Thread: Ancient Runes 1
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Old 01-11-2011, 02:20 AM   #308 (permalink)

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Sixth Year

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Leon Odessa
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The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer

Originally Posted by PureBlood64 View Post
Katie put up her hand and said "Uruz would be a good one because it means a lot of awesome things, then also would Kenaz, for help in work" She said smiling as she looked back down at her book to see other runes.
"What specifically about Uruz would be effective?" Truebridge asked. "Kenaz would be helpful for working yes."

Originally Posted by Jake_Lockley8672 View Post
Jamie raised her hand and said, "The Kenaz would be a good Rune to have on a desk to help with the wisdom, insight, or a solution to a problem." She had a hard time thinking outside the box.
Originally Posted by *AiryFairy* View Post
Alice raised her hand "I think Kenaz would defiantly be a good one to have as it would help with inspiration for answers , it is a study aid and the fact that is can help with dispelling anxiety and fear would be very very helpful in exams."
Originally Posted by B~Lee View Post
Wow a teacher that wanted them to Damage school Property. Awesooommee!!!. She raised her hnd quickly because she remember one "Well I would say Kenaz because it offers wisdom and insight." and goodness knows she needed that
"Kenaz is an excellent choice." Truebridge agreed. "And those are good reasons."

Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Hang on...they were going to be carving on the table? Grin. Things were certainly looking up, now. Even if the start of the lesson had managed to go straight over his head.

He raised his hand, after scanning the textbook for a vaguely interesting rune. "Algiz?" he questioned. "Apparently it can be used as a shield or protection, which might be good in the face of trying new magic and it going wrong. Save damaging the furniture or other people..." He might have been thinking of himself at that point. Ahem. "The channelling energies definition might also help in getting things focused and therefore correct?"
"I particularly like the channelling energies suggestion."

Originally Posted by Poisonedbyyou View Post

Ooh, one of them had to do with concentration and knowledge - Thurisaz. But Charisa read it over more thoroughly, and its divination meaning also included hardship and a painful event. Well, that was sort of contradictory. She raised her hand. "Professor, I think Thurisaz would be a beneficial rune. Its meaning involves focus and study aid and other things a student would want or need to do well in class. Although on the other hand, it has some scary divination meanings, like hardship. Does that affect its usefulness on a school desk?"
"Thurisaz is good. And most of the runes have some... less positive meanings. However, when we invoke their magic, we focus on specific meanings, specific magical associations, so not all the meanings or magical associations will necessarily be in effect at once."

Originally Posted by leridanusws View Post
"Ingwaz, it means productivity. The rune on a desk could stimulate a student to work better," Lila responsed.
"Good answer. Ingwaz."

Originally Posted by top94a View Post
Raven carving is Isa, book say it must reinforce magic magic and a shield too, and yes may freezes any object. "Is this okay, Professor?"
"Excuse me." Truebridge stepped forward and eyed the child. "Is what okay? You surely are not carving the table before I have said that you could are you?"

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
They were gonna carve up the furniture?


Jim was so pleased with this that he grinned at Lexi and raised his hand to answer, without bothering to open his textbook.

"Ansuz for communication, and Ehwaz for the same thing. They'd be stronger in ligature too since Ehwaz would support Ansuz enough to strengthen it's meaning and a lot of Rune stuff is about communication anyway. It might help people... er... me, get it."
"Yes those two work well in Ligature."

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
"Ansuz and Wunjo could be beneficial." Mmhmm most definitely. "Ansuz, being a rune of good health, wisdom, wise decisions, and success, could definitely help with the learning process. Everyone knows a healthy mind means that you are more than likely to retain more information and probably have a clearer mind which in turn, helps you think better... which could also lead to a better opportunity at success." Right? Maybe. "Plus wise decisions not only help with, not fooling around when you should be doing schoolwork, but it could also help with putting more detailed and thought out answers into your work as well instead of getting it done as quickly as possible."

"Wunjo can definitely help considering it's the rune of success, motivation, completion of tasks, and joy." Oh the joy of schoolwork. "Success is pretty self explanatory, everyone wants to be successful with the work they do...but I don't know anyone who doesn't need motivation sometimes to get their work done. And to actually be happy doing it too." Because schoolwork, was terribly boring.

She wanted to carve stuff though! Carve...into...wood. Stuff!
"Excellent as usual, Evelyn."

Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
Neptune flipped her book open and perused a bit. Hmmmm.

"My first thought,"
she raised her hand then put it back down so she could hold her book up and open and point at the same time, "is Hagalaz, as this is quite a destructive assignment, Professor." However, Neptune was for it. Carving into wood... that could be quite romantic, no?

Definitely. And beneficial to herself.

"But I think I'll go with Mannaz. If this is to be MY rune, on my MY table, to better MY Runic knowledge, then Mannaz it is. Intelligence and forethought."

Sounded very Ravenclaw indeed.
"Ah but carving runes is not destructive, it is with anything, it is the intent that rules the act. Mannaz is a good choice, Neptune."

Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
Oh AWESOME! Cue more bouncing followed by some serious page turning. Lexi engrossed herself in the textbook searching for Runes that would be beneficial to them. Raising her hand she called out, "I agree that Thurisaz would be beneificial since it promotes study habits, as well as Ansuz because of the communication, truth, and wisdom aspect. Ummm... also Kenaz because of study aid and energy and Wunjo for the completion of tasks and inspiration." Whoa... She just really GROOVED with Ancient Runes. Nice.
"Good, Lexi. You've got the idea."

Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
A sneaky thought crept into his mind, and it made selecting the runes extra easy, "Professor I would suggest Wunjo and Dagaz!" Patroclus smiled, pointing silently to Destiny, that it would mean that there desk would be inscribed with Runes that greatly ressembled P and D! Why was that imporant?

Patroclus and Destiny of course!

"Wunjo, would be effective because the rune promotes Achievement, Success as well as Motivation. All things a student would wish to get out of their education! Cause who doesn't enjoy the satisfy feeling of completing something!" Patroclus was stubborn when it came to get jobs down, so this Rune was perfect for him.

"Then with Dagaz, it's all about clarity, and awareness. It would help a student to focus, leading to positive outcomes!"
P and D! Best Runes Ever!
"Nice choices, Patroclus. They'd be very effective."

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Now all she had to do was fine a rune that she believed would be beneficial to carve into her work area. Scanning the page a bit more, she raised her hand when she came across one that look perfect for her. "Eihwaz," she announced. "You see, Professor, when I first came to class, I was a little nervous because I don't know much about Ancient Runes at all. Actually, I don't know anything about Ancient Runes."

She glanced back down in her book and read, "...but it says here Eihwaz represents things like change, initiation, and confrontation of fears. I think that perfectly fits someone like me. I think carving it into the table would help give us strength and determination to continue with things that are new and possibly unheard of for us."
"I think you're right and that would be a good choice for anyone who isn't quite so confident about runes."

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Looking through the book she saw two runes that spoke out to her: the raidho and the haglaz. The first of the two meant a journey and wasn't that what learning was all about- the journey and the change you make on that journey? The second was the haglaz which meant a disaster. From the time she was younger Selina learned that failure and disasters were natural and part of the learning experience.

She raised her hand and answered just that, "Professor, what about the raidho and the haglaz? One signifies the journey and don't we all go through a journey in school that perfects our person? And the haglaz is a trial or destruction. In school don't we all learn from our mistakes? Isn't that what learning is?" Selina asked.

Of course she was not sure if his question was even rhetorical so when she was done she blushed from her embarrassment.
"Thats true. Raidho and Hagalaz are good choices for those very reasons as well as a few others. Good thinking."

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post

Success, wise decisions! Found it!

Louisa raised her hand. "What about Ansuz, sir?" She started looking down at the description. "One of its meaning is balance which's basically what this universe teaches us every time we learn from it." Pause. "communication, a revealing message, and justice; they're all what education interfers in; Like the way people and creatures communicate with each other. The message behind the existance of beings and things. Achieving justice by putting down laws and knowing others' rights. All of those mean we need to learn first to attain...Ansuz." Another dramatic pause. "And its magical uses include success and wise decisions... which support my analysis maybe?" She finished without realizing that she actually enjoyed that!
"Good thinking. Very thoughtful answer."

Originally Posted by aussiegirl View Post
As much as carving into the desks sounded like lots of fun. It obviously meant that they had to use their wands to do it. Mia wasn't sure that was a good idea on her part even though she hadn't set anything on fire in quite a while there was still a possibility that it would happen.

Mia looked through her text book and found a couple of runes she thought would be helpful and raised her hand in the air. "I suppose you could use the rune Thurisaz since it is a regenerative catalyst and helps with self discipline and concentration in spite of any negative forces. It is an excellent study aid and keeps your focus.

"Then there is the rune Mannaz which symbolises intelligence, creativity and forward thinking. And it implies cooperation between individuals for the common good."
Well this little one was turning into a bit of a star in his class wasn't she? Good answers. Clever.

"Appropriate choices Mia, and for those reasons exactly."

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
"How about Sowilo?" Simon replied coming across it. " Its used for success and energy both of which are good for learning and effort," he supplied coming up with a rune not mentioned as he read through the list of runes present in the given chapter. He was good at runes but after a summer break wasn't about to trust guessing off the top of his head.

"I think Sowilo is a good suggestion too. And of course, Energy is something I do hope you all still have by the end of this class."

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Satine glanced down at the Chapter and at the symbols. She decided to pick one that looked brilliant first and then see if she could relate it to the question...she found one instantly towards the bottom of the page. She shot her hand up, "Professor, I would scribble in the Dagaz." she said sounding it out hoping she was saying it right..." because it seems to help you focus and have a positive outlook and outcome and gives you clarity." she said with a little nod.
"Dagaz is indeed a rune of clarity. Correct, Satine. Good choice."

Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 View Post
Huh? Whaaa? Oh it was Neptune. The Blonde grinned at her younger friend whom was sat on once side of her but it was too late to make conversation, the lesson had started.

Trixie opened up her text book to the fifth chapter, eying it momentarily before relaxing over what the subject was about. It just listed the Runes, the Elder Futhark Runes to be exact. Well that wasn't too bad then was it.

But then a question was being proposed, which Runes would be useful to carve on your desk? Surely there were a lot nicer things that could be carved on there? Anyway, there was a question to be answered. The Head Girl raised her hand high after glancing briefly over the page. "I think the most important one on here would be the Kenaz Rune. For me, Wisdom is key in life, to progress and everything, and seeing as it symbolises insight as well, its two in one really" she stated. Cos you know, not EVERYONE was a Ravenclaw and had natural knowledge, we needed to gain it somewhere. "But i'd also say Wunjo as well, because its about achieving your goals, and whilst we're in school, our goals are to do well and progress when we leave. By having this rune carved into there, I feel that we'd be able to work better..." Yeah she was talking a load of rubbish.

The Blonde briefly glanced around the classroom, only to spot someone hiding at the back. Her eyes fell on him and then down to the chair next to her. She signaled with her head for him to come over, and join her. She knew that out of any of the classes, this would be the one he'd be most confused in.
"Kenaz and Wunjo. Very positive runes for our purposes. Good thoughts, Trixie."

Originally Posted by Gabben View Post
"Lets see... well Dagaz for breakthrough, awareness... but I would have to go with Mannaz because it has Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, and ability."
*Feeling a little bad about this he didn't want to carve into the desk. Wasn't that what professors told us not to do?Sitting back he waited for what to do next.*
"Dagaz and Mannaz are good choices."

Originally Posted by HogwartsHokage View Post
Jenny's eyes grew wide. They were going to carve on school property? That's crazy...but it was only once in a while that could happen. As soon as Jenny scanned through the list of runes in her book, she raised her hand. "What about Algiz, Professor?" Jenny asked. "It's used to provide protection and support."
"Alright, but why would protection and support be necessary in a classroom?" He encouraged her to think on it and elaborate.

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Slowly her free hand rose to give a response. "Ehwaz can be used for communication with whoever is sitting at your table." She gave Ivory a playful nudge. "For class purposes of course." Nod. Back to her response. "Isa for reinforcement of other magics since...I guess runes is other sense I guess?" Shrug. She really didn't know. "Hagalaz for removing unwanted influences cause we don't want them around while trying to work. Wunjo because we want to be successful in our work. Kenaz for the inspiration to keep working. And Uruz to understand what we are working on."
"Ehwaz yes. Isa is a good reinforcement rune and runes are definitely magic. those are all good suggestions Arya." She was certainly showing she understood the concept.

Originally Posted by lilithpotter View Post
"Kenaz to help you retain the infromation that is taught to have better knowledge of runes or any other subject, algiz for the protection and the assistance ithat may be needed to strive and complete, Jera, this class. she finished talking and hoped that was a good anwser.
"Good. All true. And connected nicely."

Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice looked down the list of the different Runes, reading each one carefully before answering. "Wunjo would be useful since it would help us not only tackle whatever challenges or tasks we face in class, but it will also help us to be successful in completing the tasks and learning the material."
"And hopefully you'll also get 'joy' from learning along the way with the help of Wunjo." Truebridge agreed.

Originally Posted by Kaytone View Post
Kay opened her book to chapter five and read the list. There was alot of them and some stood out to her. "Professor, There was alot of them that would be Beneficial to learning. Uruz would be good for Understanding. With this carved in the desk it would help one understanding what is being said or read." she said hoping it was a good one.
"Uruz for understanding. Good, Kay."

Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post
Emmaleigh's little fingers itched to finally be able to look through the textbook on her desk. Turning to Chapter five, she carefully looked at the runes. She knew the runes to help with protection since they had studied that last year, but she didn't know anything about the ones that could help with homework. She ran her finger down the list as she read each of the magical uses. She ever she found one, she scribbled each one down. When she had finished, she raised her hand. "Professor, I would use Uruz, for understanding the material, Thurisaz for a study aid, and to help concentrate, Dagaz, for a positive outcome, and Fehu for good luch, and for a good pay off."
"Positive choices and I think very effective for what we need them for." Truebridge agreed.

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
Isobel shyly raised her hand. "I think Wunjo would be a good one," she said. "Because it means completetion of tasks, and success. Also, recognization of success," or something like that. "Which is kind of spiritual, and it's good, because we should recognize when we do something good." Which the rune would help with. Hopefully he understood her meaning.
"Yes you're right. Good answer."

Originally Posted by Jean1210 View Post
How about Perthro Professor?
Doesn't it have something to do with uncertain meaning or mystery?
Maybe this rune could help us understand the runes themselves better since for some of us they are a mystery. Also, it could pertain to joy and fellowship. It could help us work together with our classmates
"Thats very true. Acknowledging that something is a mystery is often the first step towards understanding it."

Originally Posted by noodles View Post

He scanned the runes on the page and raised his hand. “Raidho. It symbolises journey and change. It's a positive rune. Perhaps it could be useful to students in their NEWT year who'll soon be moving on from Hogwarts.”

"Also Tiwaz.. represents strength and discipline.. victory in competition. They're all traits useful to learning and succeeding. Pretty apt for in the classroom."
"Right. Good suggestions. Learning is certainly a journey."

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Jake had this covered. He raised his hand after looking through the chapter and got to work.

"The first one that comes to mind, possibly because it's the first on the page, is Fehu," Jake said, having to try a few different pronunciations before he said it. "It's simple, really. It's a lot about money, and hard work paying off. You work in school to eventually earn money, so it does link."

The young man slid his finger down the page before speaking again.

"Thurisaz... well, it's obvious why. It even says study aid and I think it's rare for people not to need help with focus," he smiled knowingly. Because he KNEW he always had focus issues.

"Wunjo... well, because school is about completing tasks and everyone knows you need motivation to work, right? This one would probably give you the boost to do so... hmmm..."

With a glance up at Truebridge, Jake spoke carefully. "I'll give you two more, because that makes five, and all." And he liiiiiked the number five. "Sowilo! Success! It's self-explanatory but you know, most people do like to succeed in school."


"And finally..." Jake scanned the pictures of runes until he found the one he was looking for. Because yes, he'd memorised them in the past. It was better to look at pictures when you were him. Finally, he picked a nice interesting one and tapped on it in finality. "Dagaz. The whole breakthrough part just... goes with schoolwork. The feeling when you are studying and you suddenly get a breakthrough and understand something... is amazing. This one is also about a positive outcome and stuff." Durrrr, obvious. "And considering this activity, a positive outcome in the studying is what we're aiming for."

Jake leant back in his chair and rubbed at a sore are behind his ear where his sunglasses clung to his head. He should take them off... and probably could.


He had a feeling there might be groupwork, though.

"From the amount people are saying there clearly are loads, some that stick out more than these to me as well... but hey, I preferred to say these."

And stop at number five.
"Good answers all five." Truebridge answered, without batting an eyelid. "And yes we certainly want a postive outcome."

Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl View Post
Georgiana was listening to what Professor Truebridge was saying, Mmm interesting she thought.

Looking at her book she read the symbols and their meaning, finally she chose " I will say Sowilo and Wunjo, they have success, strength, motivation, energy and prosperity, things that can help us here in school and outside, always be positive, achieve our goals and be prosperous in everything we do." she nodded
"all very positive. Good idea."

Originally Posted by IronicHubris View Post
The professor had presented a question that had quite a complicated answer, especially since it meant he'd be carving up the furniture, but Derian had done what he said: to think outside the box. Still, his answer would have him carving for the entire class.

"Professor, I have decided that a blend of fourteen runes should be sufficient to create the best desk to study on. For starters, I would want Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, and Wunjo because they all seem to underscore the basic concepts of what learning entails--understanding, focus, wisdom and success, seeing a larger perspective as well as change, and motivation. But I would also want Jera for growth, Eihwaz for transformation (since my mind will hopefully be transformed by knowledge), and Sowilo for success again. And then, finally, I would want Tiwaz for analysis, Ehwaz for communication, Mannaz for creation and intelligence, Ingwaz for common sense, Dagaz for awareness and the awakening of knowledge, and Othala for acquisition."

Derian took a deep breath and looked up at the professor. He felt as though he had never spoken so much in his entire life, but he wanted the best study desk in the room and he felt these runes would give that to him.
Originally Posted by Random_Me_Ly_ View Post
Heather thought for a moment and became confident of her answer, raising her hand before sh spoke, she said, "Fehum, Uruz, Thurisaz, Kenaz, Wunjo, Jera, and Sowilo would work together very well. With the mix of positive energy, success, knowledge and wisdom they would aid us not only this class but every class, immensely."
Truebridge listened to the two students and nodded.

"Good answers, good choices, however there is a consideration when you are using more than a single rune. As they are on their own they are very appropriate, but when adding runes together in a string, it is important to be sure none of the meanings and magical symbolism are contradictory or they may cancel each other out and the intent will be muddied. It is an art form to successfully combine longer strings of runes."

Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Sabel couldn't help but smile and shake his head a little at the exchange going between Neptune and James; there was rarely a dull moment in any situation with Neptune Bott. "What about Thurisaz, which helps to decrease negative thoughts that are usually found around the aspects of work or studying." Because every student had them when they got tired of looking at pages after pages of work. [b]"And it helps block distractions." Cough, rune wars. "And Uruz, for bravery to actually start the task." Because there was bravery behind motivation. "And energy to complete it." Or to endure the banter of one's neighbours, whichever worked.

A slight frown touched his lips at James asking permission to leave and his smile faded. Perhaps the banter was indicative of something more. Still, the runes he chose held and he decided to focus on his textbook rather than stick his nose where it didn't belong.
"Right, those are some good suggestions." Truebridge agreed.

SPOILER!!: the rune war?

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Kenaz is about passion too, professor." Jim spoke up and risked a moody sort of glance at Neptune. "It could be used to encourage passion about the subject or something."

It was Neptune's rune, as far as Jimmy was concerned.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

Neptune, though she had been trying very hard otherwise, didn't miss much of anything Jim said. Or did. Or, sometimes, as it were even thought.

On this one, Neptune read him loud and clear. She reddened, coughed, and tried to not look over at his table. In fact, she tried to make Trixie a Head Girl Shield before raising her hand again.

"Can I add Nauthiz, Professor? Because runes... runes are frustrating."

Like some other THINGS in the room.
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Berkano would encourage love and desire of Runes." Jim informed the professor, belatedly raising his hand and fixing his eyes on the front of the room, expression stubborn.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

"And perhaps," Neptune no longer was reading for the book either, and the hand raising thing was an after-thought, "Tiwaz." Just... just because. Neptune fell quiet before adding, "healing the wound .....of the desk." Lame. She sulked.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Or Laguz to stabilize the emotional disorder... of the desk." Jimmy Wilkes was pouting too.

Manly pouting.

Or something.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

"But I think Isa will be the biggest one I carve," Neptune turned her eyes to her book without seeing it at all. "Inactivity. Blockage. Stagnation. A challenge. A frustration."

She put her hand up quickly. "For the desk."

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"THE DESK..." Jim's hand was up, "Might need Gebo." He went silent for a second. "To ...find and strengthen its... relationship."


That made NO sense James Wilkes.

"Err... you know. How you... relate to the runes and find those meanings for yourself and... strengthen your understanding of them." He muttered a clarification and then put his hand down, folding his arms across his chest and sinking into his chair.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

"Algiz." Neptune gave up on not looking at Jim and just... LOOKED. "A shield and protection. My desk definitely needs that. A ward against..." against... stuff. Against ... yeah, stuff. "And to channel energies in some sort of proper way. That's exactly what my desk needs. Probably others, too. All desks."

Or that one specific desk across the way.

"Shhhh." Neptune SH'D the dude. Now was not the time. Rune fight?talk. It was on.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Neptune, you should include Wunjo on your table. You know, to prevent anything to do with your table going OVER the TOP."

Was he right? He was so right. Neptune Bott's desk was OVER THE TOP. Always. In everything.


"Raidho for reconnecting when... when you lose your way, when you're trying to figure things out."

Err. hand up.

"To go into the desk to reconnect with the runes and all if you forget what you're doing and mess things up."

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

Jake was confused. He looked at his desk... REALLY looked at it... lay his head against it and closed one eye to look down it... even got off his chair to lay down on the floor and look underneath it. Once he'd inspected the legs and even the CHAIR, he got back up and sat down again, looking over at Jimmy (who he didn't know) and Neptune (who he DEFINITELY knew) and chipped in, face totally deadpan, voice serious.

"I think you two have defective desks."

Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

"And I dare you to come over here and try, James Sacheverell Wilkes, to add a rune to my desk." That was NOT over the top, thank you very much, " You have you OWN desk to worry about so worry about it. And WHILE you're at it, go ahead and add Ansuz to your desk."

Neptune's face crumpled, all her features, her posture. She didn't want to lose, or give up, or show that she... wanted to .. figure the desk out...

It just didn't work that way. Desks were dumb.

"For your communication and signals and lack of wise decisions. "

She threw a hand up... to cover that whole bit.

SIGH. No kidding. "And we haven't even started carving yet..."
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Nothing wrong with my bloody desk!" Jimmy answered in obvious irritation, though it wasn't directed at the Hufflepuff.

"Yeah. Your desk? I've carved that up before." Shrug. Sulk. Smirk-that-was-instantly-wiped-away.

His hand went up too, slowly.

"Professor... may I be excused?"

Yeah. You win, Neptune Bott.
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
"No," Neptune put her hand up. "Wait. You.." love Runes. Jim loved Runes. "I'll be quiet. Or. You could just be quiet, Jim." That. "I can go instead." If that.. was how it had to be.

And it probably was how it had to be.
Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
Marie sat there in a state of utter confusion. One because this class just confused her to no end, even with the extra tutoring she was getting from Jimmy and two, because she had NO clue what was going on with him and that Neptune girl.

Looking back and forth between them she had a sinking feeling there was more than a class discussion going on there with those two. This was more on a personal matter it seemed to her. Or maybe she was just reading too much into it... or not.

Her desk... he had carved it up before? What in the name of Merlin was that supposed to mean? And now he wanted to leave class. A class she KNEW he excelled at... since he had told her himself.


Now Neptune is saying she would go instead? Okay now Marie knew there was something going on there.

Raising her hand but looking at Jimmy instead of the professor she said, "I think my desk will need Perthro because I am totally confused here and have no clue what the meaning of all this is."

Oh she would have questions fro Jimmy later, that was for sure.

"Yes. It could be." Truebridge answered.


"I suppose they can be frustrating for those who have not spent much time learning them."

That was... going a bit far. Love and desire? Of runes?

"I suppose if... you really hated runes you might use Berkano to lessen that feeling."


Alright. The two Ravenclaws? Had lost him.

"... some... creative suggestions." And clearly... clearly this was not simply a case of two Ravenclaws trying to give answers in class.

WHY was it always the Ravenclaws? He wasn't completely oblivious to the growing tension. It was not welcome that was for certain.

"Yes James you can leave. However, you can also have an essay on my desk first thing tomorrow morning explaining why disrupting my lesson is not a good idea. I want it correctly transcribed into runic and I want you to do your research AND cite your sources. If you don't, I believe I'll have ten of your house points, and a weekend detention with you." He paused. "And will you be joining him, Neptune?"

He turned his attention to the class itself.

"We're going to get started on the carving. There are two ways to carve runes and to make them magical. One is with your wand, and one is without. Does anyone have a preference as to which they'd like to learn, or would you perhaps like to hear both and choose which you'd like to do?"

Last edited by Felixir; 08-05-2019 at 02:44 PM. Reason: pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
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