Join Date: May 2008 Location: GMT +12 or 13
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer Quote:
Originally Posted by ~*Snape'sGirl*~ She shook the girls' hand."I'm Victoria Crowe. Just transferred here from America."
Victoria could see by the colors on her robes that she was a Gryffindor. She had heard that there had been some sort of rivalry between her own house and Gryffindor. Victoria couldn't understand why though. Chloe seemed nice enough.
"Have you two taken Ancient Runes before? They didn't really have a class for it in my previous school. I've only ever read a little bit." she said. "Class has begun." Truebridge spoke up. "Please pay attention." Quote:
Originally Posted by Herminny Chloe had met two new people today which was great but before she could even get to talking to them class started. She heard the professor ask a question and had an idea of an answer and responded with her hand raised, "Runes can be used for protection.". "They most certainly can." Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr Closing the book Truebridge had loaned him as he finished reading juuuuuuuust as the man started teaching, Jake placed it in the corner of the desk, equidistant from both edges of the table before raising his hand. "Straight lines. All in straight lines. And no horizontal lines."
He was good at remembering. "Good, Jake."
As Truebridge spoke, the answers that were correct appeared on the board as notes, written in runic and with a transcription underneath in the regular alphabet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Watching as Truebridge handed out textbooks, Simon listened intently to the man leaving the book alone on the desk. Thinking over his question, the boy tried to decide what to mention seeing as he did know quite a bit about runes, finally opting for something they learned last term and raised his hand to answer. "There are five Quileute runes and they are the Rune of Battle, the Rune of Protection, the Rune of the Hunter, the Rune of the Craftsman, and the Blank Rune," he replied lowering his hand. "There are indeed." Perhaps they'd covered that last term? Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu Ellie thought about this. HARD. And she remembered the project! Art project of funness! Back when, when they made their own bag to keep their Runes set in.
So THERE. She did retain information after all. "They come in sets."
CHyeah. He supposed so.
"In several ways actually. Physical runes carved into wood or stone or clay indeed are part of a set, particularly in regards to the divinatory or oracle use of the runes. But only is each rune one of twenty four, but it is also part of a set or family of eight within that twenty four." Quote:
Originally Posted by Pinky Lexi gave Truebs a great big smile at his comment. He was right. She did typically smile... She could angst it up AND smile for the lovely Runes Professor, yes? Of course. Listening to his little speil to the class she peered at the Runes textbook and then raised her hand. "Sir, I don't think Runes is useless, by any means... I have just never understood it. Not once has the subject ever made sense to me," she said in a quiet voice. "Well we will see what we can do about that." Quote:
Originally Posted by Riverlynn Dozer wasn't quite sure what type of answer the Professor was looking for but he had read up a bit before hand. When he had made that promise to his mom he had been serious. The 15 year old glanced around once and then raised his hand.
"Runes are a type of alphabet used for magic and divination." He paused. "At least that's what I've read. I'm not sure I completely understand the concept though." "True... but in all technicality Runes are not strictly an alphabet." And Ethan Truebridge made a mental note to help the boy get the concepts. Quote:
Originally Posted by ~*Snape'sGirl*~ "Well, I've always wanted to learn more about it. I'm afraid I don't know very much though. We didn't exactly have a class for it back home. Just a few books in the library. I'm happy that there's one here though. I've always wanted to learn about them. Ancient Runes is a generally theoretical subject that studies the ancient runic scripts." Victoria blushed as she sat back down. ooc: please don't edit your answer to include more information. Post again if you need to but editing can be considered cheating.
"Alright. Well I shall do my best to teach you." Truebridge answered. Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Before Mia could answer Marie or even acknowledge Evelyn and the little first year snake, the Professor started to address the class. So she dragged her gaze away from Salander and listened to what the Professor was saying.
At his question, Mia raised her hand. "Runes are used for writing messages, inscriptions and epitahs. They are also used for amulets and charms, as an oracle for divination and for rituals, magic and spells. They have been around since the Dark Ages when waves of immigrants came to settle in Britain. The Friesians from the Netherlands, the Angles and Saxons from Germany, then the Jutes and Norseman from Scandinavia. They each brought with them their ancient symbols known as runes. There were twenty four of them and they are collectively known as the 'Futhark.'" Truebridge responded after listening carefully. "That is how long they've been known here in England yes. Very good answer. What was your name, young lady?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Something he knew about Runes. Hmmm. "There are three main uses for runes. A writing system, an oracle of the future and for natural and elemental magic."
That'd do. He figured others would say about the same thing.
"And... yes, they're useful."
He couldn't lie about that. "A good, clear and simple summary. Yes, those are the three uses for runes." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jean1210 well professor, the primary characteristic which distinguishes a runic alphabet from other alphabets is that each letter, or rune, has a meaning. Furthermore, they are also used for divinatory readings and to create magical spells. "Yes each rune does have a meaning beyond that of just a sound or letter representation." He'd get to the 'alphabet' bit later. Quote:
Originally Posted by MissFeenella "There is the scandinavian variant of the runic alphabet called futhark and the anglo-saxon variant futhorc, professor",Fee said raising her hand.Hopefully the new teacher would be as cool as the old one had been. "Yes. And we will be focusing on the Futhark this year, the Elder Futhark in particular." He nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cinn-O-Bun Looking up as the professor asked a question he heard all the answers, especially Lexi's and had to smirk. She was right. He never understood it either though he kind of did find it useless but he wasn't about to say that. Debating whether to raise his hand or pretend he was invisible still he shrugged and did it anyway, "I've never understood it either." And yes...there might have been a glance at Lexi....Might have. He quickly brought his eyes back to the book in front of him.
What was James doing over there? Was he telling her how much he cared for her? Hmm...not a bad idea if he did. Looking at his best friend a small smile appeared on his face and he gave him a slight nod in appreciation. James was his best friend for a reason after all. He looked past him to Lexi and sighed before turning his eyes back to the professor. A long class indeed. "Ah well. We'll work on that." This boy looked... a little familar around the edges. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemondrop13 Bennet raised his hand to answer, "Runes are ancient symbols with multiple purposes - as a written language, as amulets and charms, as a means of divining the future, and for rituals and spells." He thought a simple, but inclusive definition of the term might be a good start to the discussion. "Good answer. Thank you."
The blackboard obligingly wrote it up. Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou Helena looked puzzled at professor Truebridge, not sure what to do. She slowly raised her hand. "Sir, I don't know much about runes, but I know they are not useless. I read a few pages from the textbook and I remember that they can have three types of meanings; language, divination and magic."
She let her hand fall back on the table and started shaking slightly. Maybe it was better to shut up, she thought. "They do indeed have three uses." Truebridge agreed. Quote:
Originally Posted by jengirls109 Jaina looked up a second time at the wind sound he made. Now she was curious. He stares her down making her think she was gonna get hexed by him. Then he invites her over and does nothing but nod. She closed her book and placed it into her blue messenger bag and removed a small drawstring bag. She opened it and streched her hand with the bag in it across to him. "Lemondrop?" She waited for him to take one or shun her. She could now care less either way, but she was determined now to not be intimidated and to find out why he asked her over. "If you're going to eat in class, you need to be willing to share with everyone." Truebridge noticed the candy offer. "If anyone wants a lemondrop, please ask this young lady here. She has been kind enough to bring some to class." Quote:
Originally Posted by lilithpotter The first runes question of course she had this one down. "Well the alphabet we use today is derived from the runes alphabet from the past. There are many runes and they all have spirtual meanings." she anwsered "Actually my dear, Runes are entirely seperate from the Alphabet we use, and while it is theorised that both writing systems share a common ancestor, The Futhark and the Alphabet are only related in the most tenuous ways and those relationships are sound based rather than letter based. However you are entirely correct about the spiritual meanings associated with runes. As for 'many' if you count every runic system, every symbol based form, then you might manage to find many, but each runic system has a finite amount of runes within it. Such as the Elder Futhark which contains 24 runes."
Hopefully that was clear enough. Quote:
Originally Posted by *AiryFairy* Alice hoped all her research would pay off this lesson, slowly she raised her hand. "Erm, i read somewhere that in Scandinavia Elder Futhark was simplified and became known as Younger Futhark. Man, that sounded really boring now she had said it! She just hoped it was right. "That's right, however 'simplified' is a moot point, reduced might be a more accurate term. There are less runes in the Younger Futhark than the Elder, but there was, at the time, more sound combinations emerging in spoken language. It became harder to record nuances such as long or short vowels in a written form, especially with less runes that had to do double duty; each stood for more than just one or two sounds." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
Finally, she put her hand up. "You can seek advice from Runes, I guess. They've never told me anything particularly useful though." Shrug. "Yes, you can. But I admit I never have." Truebridge answered. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Hesitantly raising her hand, she said, "Well, since I'm only a first year, I haven't had that much experience with Runes. I'm guessing they're pretty important, or else there wouldn't be a whole class here at Hogwarts dedicated to them," she said. Something else. She needed something else.
As she listened to some Ravenclaw boy (Jimmy) tell the three main uses for Runes, she near about gave up in trying to answer. There was no way she could come up with something like that. Deciding to try and add to what the boy had just said, she continued with, "Listening to what some of the others have said, I'm guessing they're a good guide to use for our future?" That was a half-question, half-statement on her part.
...and probably the best she'd be able to come up with for now. "They're very important yes. Those are some good deductions." Quote:
Originally Posted by Random_Me_Ly_ Heather listened as the class was presented. She was very excited about the subject. I hope I'm alright in this class." Heather sighed to herself as she put her hand up in the air. ooc: you don't need to wait for the teacher to call on you. If you have an answer just write that your character is putting their hand up and then giving the answer.
"Yes? Can I help you?" Thats usually what the hand up thing meant after all. Help was required. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Did he just ask if Runes were usefull? "Sure they're useful Mr Truebridge sir" Salander replied "When the Whomping Willow goes all tantrum-y just feed it a Rune! And it'll go back being all nice and quiet and happy--untill the next feeding. It particularly likes them Jera runes sir I know." the lad nodded firmly. Yup thats there's based on sound experience uhuh. "It also likes Mooncalf dung. And chocolate." Truebridge supplied seriously. "Respect that tree and it will respect you back. But yes, that's an example that a rune has more power than just what it seems to be at face value." Quote:
Originally Posted by Saraie Caroline listened attentively. She raised her hand up high. " Runes is an alphabet and Symbols used for spells, Charms and divination. Each letter or symbol has a meaning. I don't think its a waste of time. I find to quite interesting, but very hard to read. They are useful if you can read them." She finished and nodded. "Thats a good start. Though, as I will explain, 'alphabet' is not an entirely correct term. Runes are certainly used for magic however. As for reading them, it'll get easier with practice I assure you." Quote:
Originally Posted by The1HBIC Wow their table was getting rather crowded now wasn't it. So crowded in fact that there was no place for Jimmy to sit. Oh well, she would just move later when he came to class... or NOT.
Watching her boyfriend walk in and sit next to Lexi all she could do was GLARE in that direction.
Really? Of all the places he could have sat in the room he chose to sit with HER! Why? Just... WHY?
Well there was NO way she was moving to sit next to him now. She would just stay where she was. Next to Sal and Finn.
Before she had too much time to glare and be mad though class had started. Right, class, that's what they were there for. To learn.
Hmm, something she knows about runes. Well, she could always tell the class they were a great way to spend more time with your boyfriend... you know, by having extra study sessions. Nah, she would keep that to herself. Looking through her notes from said study session she raised her hand. "The way you make the magic of the rune more powerful is by combining more than one rune together, in a string or in a ligature." That sounded like she knew what she was talking about... right?
Maybe those study sessions would pay off after all. "Ah. Excellent answer. And yes that is entirely true and something we will look at in more detail today. Good, Marie." He made a mental tally of points. Quote:
Originally Posted by Vargaroth "Im dong great, kind of really excited for this class" he said to her.
He looked around the room and saw it filling up fast. He couldnt believe how many students were in here. Draven continued to browse through the book and threw his earbuds in to play his ipod listening to music waiting for the professor to start the class. While he was sitting there he would occasionally nudge Tay playing around with her. "Class has begun. Please pay attention." ooc: Ipods won't work at Hogwarts. At all. Sorry. Electronic muggle devices won't work within the magical fields. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zebragirl "They can help prodict the future and hold secrets to the past as well."
She hoped she was getting her facts right
"Also... I read each rune can have 3 types of meaning? Magic, divination and... I carn't remember the other one." she blushed
"But yeah, they are very useful!" "They can give you an idea if you are on the right path, but don't quite predict the future. They do most certainly hold secrets to the past however and rather than three meanings, runes have three purposes. Magic, divining and writing." Quote:
Originally Posted by Leeness People began raising their hands and offering answers to his questions. Since Tyler wasn't sure what Runes were he couldn't really contribute anything. That being said, however, he began speaking anyway. His hand wasn't raised and he was gazing at a particular point in the wall - no where near the Professor. It was as if he, himself, wasn't even aware he was even talking, "Runes can be counted, I guess. If you have more than one Rune you can count that there are two Runes... or more, if there is more than two. Yes, Runes can be counted. That's quite awesome... very awesome," he gave off a sharp giggle, as if amused by this realisation. That was...
... either remarkably stupid or remarkably profound.
"They are... tangible." Truebridge considered this. "All things that are tangible can be counted or measured in some way." Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn However, she was going to answer the question, but then everyone started to blurt stuff out! Pfft. Well she could do that too! "The Elder Futhark runes seem to be the oldest runes." Hmm, right? "...Of the runic alphabet that is."
...Eh? "They are the oldest that we know of." Truebridge agreed. It was entirely possible that there were even older magical rune-based systems, but the Elder Futhark was most definitely the most 'ancient'. Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael White raising his hand " michael white 2nd year hufflepuff ,there are a few different kind of runes but so far I have not found then to work well for me, that could be to my lack of understanding of them or just the fact the universe aint got much to say to me "In a divinatory sense?" Truebridge asked. "There are other ways of using runes, other than as an oracle, which you might find more pleasing." He answered.
Actually Ethan Truebridge preferred it when the universe didn't have too much to say. Usually when it spoke up, it was bad things. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jake_Lockley8672 "Jamie Smithson. First Year Slytherin. I know that runes are used for protection and I think that it's a useful subject to study," she said her hand high in the air. "Very much so." He agreed. Quote:
Originally Posted by jengirls109 Jaina raised her hand. "Jaina Maloney. First Year Hufflepuff. I don't know anything about Runes except that the writing on them is from the time of the Vikings." She hoped that was good enough. "That is true. The Futhark has Norse origins." Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "Professor, Kurumi Hollingberry, second year, Gryffindor," Kurumi began. Wow, no stuttering today! "I do not believe that the study of ancient runes is a boring subject. First, they provide us insight into the language that was used before the development of the adoption of the Latin alphabet. Also, in knowing what a rune represents, we also gain insights into what society was like when that rune was created. For example, if there were no rune for say, protection, then we would know that the past was very peaceful and those people did not feel the need for it. Also, someone previously mentioned the Quileute tribe runes. Their runes not only did what I just mentioned, but they also provided insight as to how the tribe sees themselves and what the tribe represents as a people."
Kurumi paused for a moment. Ancient Runes as a way to see into the past was certainly something that fascinated her. Anything that provided further analysis was always fascinating. "For us, I think runes can help enhance our magical abilities when it fails us," she finished remembering the epic pillow fight last term. "Not to mention they can also be linked to Divination." But Kurumi wasn't going to go into that. "Very good and thoughtful answer." Truebridge was big on people coming up with their own connections. "As you say about society at the time the runes were created, many of the shapes of the runes give us hints in that way also. The Elder Futhark also has a spiritual association with Norse Gods and Goddesses, which is another way at taking a closer look at what human society must have been like in the time that these runes originated." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jean1210 Furthermore, They are also used for divinitory reading and to crate magical Spells.
JP lowered his had. There was more he knew but he thought he would let others answer as well "That's true." Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy The young Puff watched amazed as the runes textbook duplicated its self. She reached out to touch it, but realized that if she did, she would not be able to stop herself from opening it. She placed her hands back in her lap and listened to the question. She raised her hand. "Some runes can be used for protection, or to emit a feeling of friendship." She paused to gather her thoughts. "There is also rune casting, which is a form a divination." "The magic of the runes is particularly tangible. Protection is a very big them with runes. Good." Quote:
Originally Posted by Poisonedbyyou Charisa stopped her fidgeting when the professor's music went down and his voice rang out instead. She glanced down at the textbook on the desk before her and then back at Professor Truebridge. Nooot opening it. She raised her hand. "Professor, I expect runes are useful to learn, and it's because, like the learning of foreign languages, it helps us to understand ourselves. In the case of ancient runes, however, we can learn about aspects of our future, for example." Her hand went down. She was just a first year. She really didn't know anything about ancient runes. "That's right." Quote:
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl She then heard Professor Truebridge talking to the class. Better not talk right now she thought. She wasn't sure about Ancient Runes but raised her hand and said " Umm I don't think they are useless just difficult, I believe Runes can be very helpful if we put some effort to understand them. I heard Runes were used for divination and were used in old times." she said. "Right. And I do hope you are willing to put in that effort." Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabben "It is the study of magical runic scriptures. They are commonly found on amulets and very old spells or wizardry books." "Yes, absolutely right." Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul She raised her hand wearily. "I think, sir, that Ancient Runes is about looking beyond the odd writings of old stuff." Which usually meant something crazy made by old people. "I learnt how to take things that I don't understand seriously." And that was it. Yeah, it was all she knew about this subject! And yep she was a Ravenclaw *glares* "You can take it as whimsically as you wish." Truebridge answered, "But I do hope you learn from it regardless of whether you are serious or not about it." Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani May as well start participating. Raising his hand, Sabel tilted his head a little. "I find Runes a rather effective way to be cryptic while leaving an important message." Danika had been reading a book written purely in Runes, and with a slight twinge of disappointment he realized he hadn't learned very much of how to do it. "Such interpretation based on perception can be used to pass on messages, notes and even hints of an event or events. I've also seen a manuscript written in Runes, so it can serve as another useful language that few know, thus restricting important information or knowledge for only those that are intended to know it." There of course was also the divination aspect, but that didn't seem quite as impressive since last year as the literature aspect. "Very true. And we will do a class on rune cryptology this term. Good, Sabel." Quote:
Originally Posted by PureBlood64 Katie smiled and raised her hand, she loved this class, "The signs on the runes are said to mean something and there useful becausse they are meant to help with what ever they mean like the beauty one it helps you with make up and that well, its like a good luck thing" Katie said smiling remembering what she had read and also got taught last year. She hoped she hadn't a made a fool of herself, not know in her favorite class. "I can't say I know much about beauty runes." Truebridge paused a bit awkwardly, "But the magical meaning is often related to the symbol itself." Quote:
Originally Posted by Muggleprincess.* Emmy sat down in her very first class. "Oh this is going to so exciting!" the young girl thought. Well, she didn't know anything in the subjects yet but she was hopeful that she learns fast.
The teacher had already asked a question. Emmy thought about it for a moment and then raised her hand and said, "A lot of old scriptures are written in Runes and when you find new stuff like books for example from a long time ago you might have to translate it. I think that's what Runes lessons are for, so that we can learn to read them and in the future they may help us." The young girl had thought about that answer thoroughly and hoped that she was right. She wanted to gain a lot of house points to make her house proud of her. "Yes that is true, we will do some transcription this term, but not just yet." Quote:
Originally Posted by The Real Lily Potter "they come in handy because they each mean a letter, people who know the language use the signs to write notes, there like a secret language" she said, she had believed that for awhile and still did, she wanted to know what they meant though, she was interested. "They are better related to sounds that letters make than directly to letters themselves, but yes, as the knowledge is lost to many, it can be used as a secret language." Quote:
Originally Posted by Vargaroth "I think that it is very important to understand, identify, and translate runes not only for what one may use in their trade but to make a individual a more rounded and balanced witch or wizard. I would think that should one find themselves in desperate times of need that knowing the art of runes would be beneficial and helpful" he said to the professor.
He looked around hoping he did not sound silly for his take on it. Tay smiled at him to give him encouragement. "I have always found it so." Truebridge agreed quietly.
"Some good answers." Though truly Truebridge had expected more. "We're going to be focusing on a particular runic system this term, the Elder Futhark." He began.
"Some of you mentioned the 'runic alphabet'. While I don't mind this term, and on occasion may use it myself, it is worth noting that it is not an entirely correct term. While it is reasonable to compare a rune to a letter, strictly speaking runes are not an alphabet. Alphabet is a term for the latin based alphabet which we use, 'A B C.." and so forth, based on the names of the first two letters in Latin, Alpha and Beta. The equivalent term for the Runes we will be focusing this term on is 'futhark' and for much the same reason. The first six runes make up the name 'futhark.'"
The book in front of you is an introductory book only." Truebridge continued. "It summarises and introduces but that is all. The intent is to provide direction for your future research, and indeed for your homework assignments. This textbook is simply a guide, it is up to you to find a path, just like Runes themselves indicate the changing journey and not the final destination. You may of course use any textbooks you like as reference, but do be sure to credit your sources."
He looked around. "So for today, I suggest we skip the 'boring' stuff - you can do that for homework." Ethan Truebridge of course, never found anything truly boring, but his mind was rather different to most. "Instead we're going to make magic." He waited for the class to absorb that. ooc: please read the Code of Conduct and refresh yourselves on the rules. Points losses will happen if there are more after this point
I'm working on the next post now... running out of words in this one. |