Thread: Ancient Runes 1
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Old 01-10-2011, 08:42 PM   #188 (permalink)

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Oz Thickey
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa
Default Sorry if I missed anyone but... the show must go on as they say
The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
"Stradivarius Salander sir." he blurted out before he knew what he was saying. He cringed, he said his entire name out loud. He never does that. "Buuut I just go by Salander. Yeah simpler, easier to remember sir." Not to mention a lot less humiliating.
Truebridge absorbed all this calmly.

"Hello Salander."

Originally Posted by Vargaroth View Post
Draven walked into the classroom and saw that some students had already been filing in. He immediately saw the professor and went up to him to introduce himself.

"Hello Professor, my name is Draven Kurgan, first year. Its a pleasure to meet you sir. I look forward to your class this year as Ancient Runes is one of my favorite subjects" he said smiling.
"Nice to meet you, Draven. Ancient Runes also happens to be one of my favourite subjects." Two guesses anyone what his other favourites were.

Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
When Truebs replied she couldn't help but stop and smile. "It's not my face that has the problem, sir," she said quietly. Her feelings were simply manifesting themself on her face. Yeah. That was it. Wait... did she have food on her face? That was a possibility. Quickly scrubbing her hand across it she frowned.
"Perhaps I am simply used to seeing you smiling, Lexi." Truebridge answered quietly and turned his attention elsewhere.

Even in the worst of situations, that young Gryffindor had always found something to smile about.

Originally Posted by The Real Lily Potter View Post
she looked up, great she hadn't said hello or anything to the professor, "oh, um, I, um, sorry, good morning Professor Truebridge" she said, she would rather not get in trouble in her first class.
"Good Morning." He agreed.

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Ancient Runes. His like best lesson, well it was where he had got one of his highest OWL scores, so he was assuming that it was one of his best subjects. So with a grin set on his face he walked into the classroom, although that grin turned more into a smile when he remembered who taught this lesson. Oh yes. He better behave.
"Morning Professor Truebridge." The ravenclaw nodded, as he turned to look who was in the classroom.
"Morning, Finlay." Truebridge paused and eyed the boy. "It surely isn't necessary for me to point out that if you fight in my classroom you'll regret it deeply."


Particularly with that prefect badge the boy was sporting.

Originally Posted by top94a View Post
Raven simply nodded to the professor when walking in front of him, "Good day Professor', he greeted, still watching the professor and co-student silently
"Good day."

Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy View Post
Dianna quickly rushed through the corridor. Thinking she was late, she quickly rushed in the classroom and took a seat which creaked a bit due to the fact that, let her say it again, she thought she was late. "Oops." she muttered as she fixed her hair which looked like a complete disaster right now.

"Good Morning Professor Truebridge." Dianna smiled.
"Good morning." He noticed the rush but class hadnt' quite started so she was doing fine.

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
Entering the classroom, the epitome of calmness and serenity, Jake glanced around. He could hear the music, but it wasn't familiar to him. After a quick glance at the boar, Jake looked around and found a table for himself, before sitting and opening the book he carried under his arm (the one Truebridge had loaned him, which he was nearly finished with), and setting his bag on the floor.

"Morning, Professor," Jake said witha strained smile towards the man before absorbing himself in the book again.

He had his own table... people could come to HIM. Right now... he was reading.

And left his angst at the door.

Because he was WELL BEHAVED.
"Jake. Good to see you." As almost always.

Originally Posted by vijaya View Post
Lucy entered her first class of her fifth year, she was really looking forward to it but as usual she was nervous. She had no idea how's it going to be, she hoped for the best. She entered the room with a sweet smile, looking around to see the Professor, then suddenly noticed Professor standing right in front of her and said "Oh, hey Professor Tru…True.., oh I mean Professor Truebridge, it's great to meet you." she couldn’t say anything more. She quickly took a seat and waited for the Professor to start the class.
"Just one true." Truebridge repeated for the second time that morning.

Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
Patroclus beamed when he was acknowledged by the Professor, "I can wait to see your approach to Runes, Professor" The fifth year knew that Truebridge had had quite a bit of experience working in Cairo and after all Runes played heavy roles in Egyptian society, both past and present.

"Oh this is my favourite one," Patroclus added, as 'I Dreamed a Dream', began to play.
"I'm quite sure it won't be unexpected." No really. The man liked history, that was a given, he also liked defense against the dark arts and the dueling side of that. So mix it up.

He nodded and eyed the board where the runes were writing themselves along with the music.

Originally Posted by alohomora♥ View Post
Jacqueline walked in the classroom. The first class in her second year..... She rushed to the seat,somewhere in the front. She put her books on the table very quickly and said : ''Good morning, Professor!'' and smiled. Hmm new books always smell good. And all that positive energy that has been there really made her feel hyper and suprisingly excited. Ready for Ancient Runes!!!!!!
Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
"'Lo Professor," he said, looking up to see the man, and the blackboard writing of its own accord. That was pretty cool - if only he could understand what was written on it. The music was a bit different too. Maybe it'd got an ickle bit less boring since he'd entered the room.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
Helena entered slowly, looking around for a seat. "Good morning, professor Truebridge," she said, trying to smile.
"Good morning." Truebridge greeted the next three youngsters as they walked in.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina looked around the classroom for a seat. She was so nervous, Ancient Runes being her first class of the year, that she would do something wrong. When she looked around she saw the teacher and nodded her head lowly to show her respect. After she did so she scuttled off to find her seat that she was being annoyingly indecisive about.
Originally Posted by noodles View Post

And so it came to his first lesson ever at Hogwarts: Ancient Runes. He walked into the classroom, shoulders slouched, hands shoved deep in his pockets. His blue-grey eyes settling first on the blackboard and the symbols appearing magically, then on the old gramophone, and then finally on the professor. “Sir.” He nodded curtly in greeting.
Truebridge inclined his head in return at the next two greetings.

Originally Posted by Kaytone View Post
Kay walked into the Ancient Runes class room and heard the music. It was nice and she nodded thinking she liked it. Looking around the room she saw alot of people she knew but wouldnt sit with. Like there was Marie. That wouldnt work. Smiling at the Professor she walked down to the tables. "Hello Professor Truebridge, How are you?" She asked with a smile. "The music is great. La Miserables, right?" She asked putting her stuff down and turning to Rex.
"Good thank you Kay." He nodded. "Les Miserables, yes."

Originally Posted by Wenzlebug View Post
"Good day, Professor!" Cedric beamed, his eyes twinkling, apparently delighted for the professor to be back.
"Hello Cedric." Of course we remember you.

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
over to them, saying, "Hello professor," just a little shly as she passed.
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Lea noticed that Matty was in class and she went to go sit with him. "you mind if I join you?" she asked while taking her seat any way. Since she didn't know the Professor's yet she decided to say hello any ways. "Good Morning Professor" she said while pulling out her book like everyone else was doing.
"Hello. Good morning." Ethan answered, watching the students find their seats.

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
"Hello, Professor...eeehh" wait! What's his name?! As a transfer student, Hyun didn't know any of his professors names, he even had trouble with the house names! "What song is this, Professor?" what's his name? "It sounds oddly familiar"
"Hello." Truebridge answered. "It's called I dreamed a dream."

Originally Posted by mellamaet View Post
Runes wasn't a subject the Cass was particularly looking forward to since she had barely passed her finals on Runes last term. But she needed this subject. So she took a deep breath and entered the classroom

"Good day professor." Cass said cheerfully as she entered the room and sat down on a chair
Originally Posted by B~Lee View Post
Brittany Pratically bounced through the door. Ancient Runes had been one of her favorite subjects last years so she was quiet sure she would do pretty well in this class. and not to mention she had been dying to get a closer look at this Professor guy she had heard so much about. "Hello Professor." she said with a smile before taking a seat.
"Good morning." Truebridge responded.

Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
With a small smile, Sabel made his way into the classroom, pausing just inside the door when he saw that Professor Truebridge was indeed teaching this class. With a bit of a wider grin than before, he gave the man a polite nod. "Morning Professor. It's great to see you back."
"Morning, Sabel. Thank you."

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
"Good day, Professor Truebridge." she said quietly, loud enough for him to hear over the music playing though, patting her hair down in the process.
"Good day Evelyn." Truebridge smiled at the girl. It was always good to see the young Slytherins, she and her friends in particular.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Moving on. "Hi Professor--" I-Don't-Know, she added in her head and went on to the first table she came across. Trying to move faster so maybe this class would be over soon? Huh? And no she was not going to drop the subject for she must know everything about everything.
"Hello." Truebridge answered.

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
Making her way into the classroom, and snickering at the sight of Evelyn and her wild hair, Destiny scanned the rather full classroom for a place to sit. She would have sit in the empty seat next to Evelyn and all those people, but she spotted Patroclus and there was a rather shiny thing pinned to the front of his robes. "Hello Professor Truebridge!" she greeted with a salute before plopping herself down next to Patroclus.
"Hello Destiny." And that was all three of them right there. Excellent. There were still a few more faces that Ethan was waiting to see.

Originally Posted by emjay View Post
"Professor," he nodded a brief acknowledgment as he passed the man at the front and took his seat. .
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
" good day professor." she greeted before walking past him to join the students at a table. Well this should be quite interesting. She looked around the class room and spotted a few familiar faces, name hotboy who seemed to be waiting for someone. Hmm
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

"Hello, Professor," she said, greeting the man she was sure everyone but herself already knew. Although she'd heard he was new to his current position, it seemed almost everyone she'd talked to had been in a classroom with him at some point and time before.
"Good Morning." Truebridge responded. It would be, he hoped.

Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter View Post
She passed the desk and while doing so she flashed a smile at the professor and said, "Hey Professor, great to have you back!" And she quickly looked around at the tables again and saw an empty table except for one boy. A boy she reconised well from Diagon Alley. She grinned and headed over. .
"Good morning, Bonnie."

Originally Posted by Samia View Post
First Lesson of the term. Yep. Orlando was surely back to Hogwarts. "Hello Professor." he greeted the teacher before making his way to an empty seat.
"Hello and good morning." Truebridge greeted.

Originally Posted by MoviegoerKinz View Post
"Good day to you Professor Truebridge," Rafe said as he entered the room before taking a seat near the back. Hmm...four to six people per table...well, there was no one where he was sitting, but hopefully that would change. He was still feeling a bit awkward after being gone for a year.
Originally Posted by Nixy! View Post
Aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnccciiiiieent Ruuuuuneeeeeeeessss time!!

Iris made her way to the Ancient Runes classroom, somewhat enthusiastically. Sneaking in, Iris smiled and nodded at the man at the front of the class. "Hullo, Professor Truebridge...." She stopped and listened to the music that was playing through the room. "... Nice choice of music." She added, with a small smirk. Not her favourite musical... but it was up there.
"Good morning Rafe, Good morning Iris." He nodded at them. "Thank you Iris, I quite like it."

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Satine hurried into the room and glanced around at the tables trying to find a seat. She looked for familiar faces and saw one instantly. Before heading that way she waved at the Professor, "Howzit Professor Truebridge...I hope you had a great break!"
"Hello Satine. I hear you were away from Hogwarts this past term yourself."

Originally Posted by lilithpotter View Post
Rene walked calmly into the Runes classroom. "Hello, Professor Truebridge. How are you today?". She took her seat next to her favorite person at Hogwarts, Rex Trigwell. "Hey Rex, nervous about our first class of our last term?" She asked, placing her bag on the back of the chair and pulling out her book, parchment and quills.
"I am well, thank you."

Originally Posted by Saraie View Post
Caroline walked into the Ancient Runes classroom and found a table in the middle of the room that no one was emtpy. As she walked by the teachers desk "Good morning, Professor" She said brightly. She sat down at the table and pull her book out of her bag. She took out a pen and paper as well and sat them beside her book. She sat patiently for class to begin.
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice walked into the classroom and took a seat at one of the open tables, setting her bag down along next to her. Ancient Runes wasn't her strong suit, but she did find the class interesting. "Hello Professor Truebridge, how are you today?" Alice asked, giving the teacher a warm smile.
Originally Posted by MissGlee View Post
Luna walked into class for her first Ancient Runes class of the term. She noticed Lés Miserables playing in the background. "Good Morning Professor, I love Lés Miserables it's my favourite musical!" she said. She looked around, no-one she knew. She sat down at an empty tables waiting for other pupils to come in.
"Good morning girls. I am well." He paused and nodded. "My favourite is Cats."

Just saying.

Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post
As Emmaleigh made her way up to the Runes classrooms, she paused at the door. The room was so different, with regular work tables instead of the colorful cushions. Although she knew that Markovic hadn't returned, it still made Em sad because she had been her favorite professor. Making her way into the room, Emmaleigh smiled at the man behind the desk. "Morning Professor."
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Stepping into the classroom, he noticed the man's presense and the fellow students already there. "Hello Professor...welcome back," he greeted before heading to a table to take a seat to prepare for class.
Originally Posted by Zebragirl View Post
Emily walked into her first lesson. She was so nervous!
She saw the teacher and said rather quietly "Good morning Professor..."
She didn't know if the teacher had even heard her but quickly walked and sat down at a table near the back. She wasn't normally this shy!
"Morning good to see you all bright and early."

Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
Neptune Bott was almost convinced the entry music was for her. For her arrival. She spun into the room, giggled, then presented herself to Professor Truebridge with a well-to-do and clearly practiced curtsy.

"Hello, Professor," Miss Bott purred at the Professor with warm familiarity. She wiggled her fingers in greeting then spun once more. You know, for parting.
"Hello Neptune."


No hugs this year.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
"Good day, Professor Truebridge." Why Runes? He was SO DADA material.
"Hello Ellie." Truebridge greeted.

Yes he remembered.

Originally Posted by Michael White View Post
slipping in and trying to get a seat in the back Mikey give a short wave to the proffesor
Truebridge nodded a greeting.

The music went a little quieter so that it was only a bit of background. The board stopped writing on itself in anticipation.

""Ancient Runes. I've heard many people in my life call the subject 'boring' or 'useless'. As with any subject however, it is one that you will get as much out of as what you put in." Truebridge looked around.

"You each have a textbook in front of you on the table." He flicked his hand and from the shelf came a textbook which duplicated itself dozens of times over.

"Don't open them." No really, don't. "Before we get to that point, perhaps you would each raise your hand and tell the class something you know about Runes, and if you don't know anything, please share your opinion on whether or not you think Runes are a useful subject so that I know who needs convincing."
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