Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 01-10-2011, 05:11 AM   #99 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Thirty Five
“Bye Charlie” she sighed,
“Don’t think about it as a long time ok, it’s not, I’ll be back before you know it” he grinned,
“I know it’s just going to be hard because I know I love you now” she sighed again trying to make it look as offhand as possible,
“You what?” he said taking a double take,
“You heard me” she smirked, “Now don’t take it as a big deal” she smiled her arms going to his neck, he lifted her up and spun her round in his arms,
“Not a big deal at all – since well you know I love you too” he replied and she giggled as he leant in to kiss her, “I’m gonna miss you and this, and waking up in a bed in my place not a tent”
“It being me that you miss in that bed with you” she added with another kiss,
“Most definitely”
“Final boarding call for flight R903 to Romania”
“I have to go”
“I know, I know” he put her on her feet but held on “One last kiss” she tiptoed up, “I’m gonna miss you so much”
“Just a month” he smiled and let her go “See you later Soph”
“Later Charlie” she smiled as he waved and waked away, she sat on the chairs watching the plane detach from the gate and move down the runway before taking off.

She wandered down the escalators and outside to signal the knight bus.

“George, stop it”
“Stop what, we’re sitting here having a drink, like brother and sister” he added sarcastically,
“I can’t keep being your friend if you’re not going to get over yourself” she slapped his hand away from her leg and stood up,
“How do you know you wouldn’t be happier with me?”
“Because I’m with Charlie and it’s the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time”
“He’s not even in the country; he left you waiting for him”
“And as soon as he left you came round to see me, really subtle there George”
“It’s been two weeks now”
“And he’ll be back in another two, he told me you talked, you told me you were ok now”
“Doesn’t stop me from still wanting you” he shrugged,
“Can’t you just find someone else, I’m with your brother, I love your brother and he loves me”
“You’ve only been together three months how can you say that”
“We’ve said it to each other and it’s true, he’s going to come back and he’s going to stay with me”
“He’s giving up dragons?”
“He says he wants to be with me and he can’t do it if he keeps leaving the country”
“You won’t be happy together; he’ll hate you for making him give it up”
She drew her wand pointing it at him, “He’s taught me jinx’s and curses and I’m willing to use them unless you leave my house right now”
“Don’t you dare – you’ve gone way to far George”
“Why won’t you give me a chance?”
“I’m in love with someone else, your brother no less and you want me to give you a chance?”
“Just one, you never did before” he stepped forward, she didn’t lower her wand, “You know you want to” he smiled and reached out and lowered her wand wielding hand to her side, as she shook her head.
“Yeah you do” he leaned in to kiss her, she stepped back but his arm was already at her waist to pull her back,
“George” she turned her head to avoid it, but he had held of her wand arm and just kissed her neck instead, “Get off” she made a move with her other hand but he grabbed it, “Let go of me!” she said again as she struggled with him, “LET GO!”
Harry appeared through the door silently, “GEORGE!” and grabbed him, “She said to let her go”
He punched Harry trying to get up off the floor, they fought and the wooden coffee table was crushed the weight of both of them landing on it, Harry managed to draw his wand and had it to his chest as there was crying in the hallway,
“Soph, help Ginny with them would you” he didn’t look to see her nod his eyes on George staring at his wand, “You gonna get up”
He nodded “I’m sorry, I just – I love her and she won’t even see it”
“You have to let it go” Harry got up and held up a hand to him, “She loves Charlie”
“Harry, can we come in?” Said Ginny’s voice at the door, “I need to leave the twins so I can go upstairs to talk to her”
She pushed the pram inside to the couch and walked to George pointing him at him angrily “You had no right to do that to her” she slapped him round the face and “And don’t you ever touch my husband when he’s trying to stop you from hurting his sister or you will have me to deal with” before she apparated to the landing up stairs,

“I’m not going to tell Charlie about this, we’ll forget it, I’ll wipe both of your memories if I have to” he wiped his bleeding nose on his sleeve and touched his lip and cheek to feel the cuts,
“No, I mean – could you just wipe mine?” George said sitting on the couch and put his head in his hands, ignoring the blood from his own nose and lip,
“Wipe everything to do with her, then I could just meet her and she’ll be Charlie’s girlfriend and my friend and nothing will have changed”
“I can’t do that – it’s too dangerous and there are other things tied to your memory of her you’ll lose, like things we’ve all done together and we all remember, I can’t make you forget her you have to do that yourself”

“Sophia” she stood at the door, “Soph can I come in”
“Uh huh” she said through the sobs,
“Aww Soph don’t cry” she hugged her “You need a Harry hug, I’ll get him to give you one when he’s finished with George”
She laughed a little but looked up “What’s he going to do to him – they’ve stopped fighting?”
“Yes – he’s trying and talk sense into him, I’m sorry my brothers an idiot that won’t take no for an answer”
“He just kept saying to give him a chance, I told him I love Charlie and he said we wouldn’t be happy together”
“There’s no reason for him to say it, he’s just being mean”
“Charlies going to give up Dragons, he’s staying here, he’s going to resent me for taking that part of his life, you heard his mum Dragon was his first word”
“It’s his choice to make, he wants to be with you or he wouldn’t be giving it up now would he, he loves you and doesn’t want to have to leave the country every few months – he’s never had a long relationship because of it and now he’s found you he’s not going to let it stop him – and anyway there are plenty of Dragons in England, take my mother for example”
She chuckled “Your mum doesn’t like me that much does she”
“You’re the only girl he’s brought home to meet her, I think she was just in shock, he’s the eldest and her youngest has been married off while he’s been single for years”
She stared “The only girl?”
“He’s brought baby dragons to look after for the programs, he’s brought backpacking mates to stay a few nights for a last home cooked meal before they go off on trips, he’s never brought a girl home – but he does say they scare him”
She nodded “More then nesting dragons”
Ginny laughed “That explains a lot, Harry had to steal an egg from one once in a school competition, he was on his broomstick and that thing was vicious – broke its chains and chased after him round the school grounds”
“Ok then”
“He loves you, you love him, and he’s ready to give up something he’s been doing a long time, partly because he needs the change and now because he has a reason to”
“He shouldn’t have to give up anything; I’m being selfish by letting him do it”
“Was it your idea for him to leave the Dragon stuff?”
“No, he just came out with it, he said he’d turned them down, I didn’t even know he was going back let alone he was going to give it up”
“Then it was his choice to make and he made it, he doesn’t want to do it anymore, he’s not giving it up he’s moving on from it – your more important to him and he doesn’t want to lose you so he’s made the choice”
“But I would have gone with him, I would follow him anywhere if he wanted to stay there I’d move to Romania if he asked me”
“He doesn’t want to make you move, he’s happy where he is – in London, with you, he doesn’t need Dragons anymore”
“You really think he’ll be happy with me, just me?”
“Yes, he’s nuts about you”
“Thanks Ginny”
“It’s ok, just look after him will you, he’s my favourite brother”
“He’s mine too” she smiled but it fell “You think George has gone yet?”
“Maybe – I’ll check” she got up from the bed and made it to the door,
“I should talk to him”
“No, not when you want different things, it might be better for you not to see him at all for a while”
“I thought that and then he came round saying he missed just being friends and he wanted to have a drink and say sorry – and everything was ok until – what do I tell Charlie?”
She sat down again and took Sophia’s hand, “You don’t tell him anything”
“But -”
“- Soph, nothing happened, you’ve nothing to feel guilty about and this will only make things worse between him and George if you tell him, George will forget he’s an idiot and be back to normal soon”
“What the hell is it about me that they could possibly be fighting over; I’m not even a proper witch yet”
“You’re gorgeous and out going and fun what’s not to like – they like you for you only one loves you and the others caught in a crush”
“And I love him back; I don’t see why George can’t just let it go I’ve told him enough times”
“He’s a boy and even worse he’s a Weasley boy, once there stuck there hard to get rid of”
“You make him sound like a disease”
“Exactly like that, he’s like a bout of dragon pox you can’t get rid of”
“Dragon pox – you have your own diseases too?”
“What would another world be without them, we get the muggle ones too – not really cancer and stuff like that but the simple ones – we’re still human, just a little bit extra, we live longer too”
“Right, there’s still a lot I’m missing”
“You’ll get there, you’ll be a ‘proper witch’ yet” she smiled “I’ll see if he’s gone and let you know”

“He’s just left” he said as she walked into the living room, he was pushing the pram back and forth with on hand and piecing back the coffee table with his wand in the other hand.
“Ok - how’s your face?” she sat down next to him,
“Alright, not the worst hey” he smiled, and she took out her wand,
“Let me clean it up for you” she tapped his cuts and bruises muttering spells as she worked, “That’s better, just need to wash the blood off”
“Thanks honey – how’s Soph?”
“Ok, a bit shaken, I never knew George was such a pig”
“He say’s he’s in love with her, he asked me to wipe his memory Gin”
“Did you?”
“Course not, he can’t do it himself though because he wants’ it specifically to wipe all traces of her – he’s desperate and I considered it looking at him”
“I thought he would have given up by now”
“You don’t think – no – no that can’t be he sells the stuff he’s not that stupid…” Harry muttered,
“What is it – what do you think?”
“The way he talks about her, he gets more angry right – he punched me he fought with me and I haven’t ever seen him do that, what if it’s a love potion – you remember how angry Ron was when he ate those chocolates and was all obsessed with Romilda, what if some how he’s managed to have been contaminated by something he’s selling – or – or I don’t know someone’s giving it to him, it’s specifically for her and that strong they’d have to be trying a spell that involves her, a potion with like her hair or something in it”
“That doesn’t sound crazy at all Harry”
“No I’m serious, I think you might be on to something, but why?”
“I don’t know, but why does anything ever happen to your family, it’s generally my fault”
“But that’s not something he would try”
“No but it’s something Malfoy would – he threatened Sophia that day in the ministry– ‘you’ll know what it means to be pure soon enough’ maybe this is what he had planned for her because he knows she’s his blood, he know she got everything, the money he would have got otherwise”
“He’d try and ruin things between her and Charlie over money?”
“I’ve heard of crazier things – I’ll kill this kid because maybe one day when he grows up he’ll kill me”
“They haven’t caught him yet have they?”
“He’s still on the run, they said we’re safe though, they’ve been watching us you know that”
“Which is one of the reasons you agreed to stay at mums for a few days so easily?”
“Partly, it’s my responsibility to keep you safe; I made that promise when I married you”
“Hmm” she kissed him softly “I’m going to get Soph, she needs a Harry hug ok”
He chuckled “Are you just lending out my services now then?”
“You’re her brother, she needs a hug and yours are the best”
“Oh alright, but anymore people and I’ll start charging – it can go to the twins school book fund”
“Such a joker” she grinned and poked her head round the door “Soph it’s safe to come out”
She walked from half way down the stairs “He’s gone?”
“Uh huh, come on Harry’s got something for you”
“Come on” she took her hand and led her in the room, Harry was standing next to the pram looking in on it a hand caressing his babies cheeks,
“Ok so close your eyes, breathe in and out and think happy thoughts” she grinned “And” she chuckled moving out of the way, Harry stepped away and wrapped his arms around her, she started to laugh and hugged him back,
“Aww thanks guys – you are right about the hugs thought Gin, my brother gives great hugs” She smiled and stepped back “Hmm, much better”
“Good” Harry stretched “We just came to see how you were, to give you a chance to see your nieces and spread the love with hugs” he grinned “So how have things been?”
“Ok, apart from that – Ron and Hermione are loved up teenagers it’s nauseating and annoying since I don’t have Charlie -” she started to cry but wiped her eyes, no sounds emerging, just tears falling down her cheeks,
“Soph it’s all right, he’s back in two weeks”
“I know, I know, I just miss him and with George and everything else and I mean – look at me I’m a mess” she smiled “It’s not supposed to be like this, I miss him but when we said goodbye it was fine, and I told him I loved him and he told me and we were good, it was just like he was going for a few days”
“Your just in shock from bloody George – we think there’s something going on with that though now Soph, we think we can get him to leave you alone” Ginny said with a smile “You just leave it to us”
“What do you mean?”
Harry had the answer as Ginny tended a crying twin,
“We think a love potion might be involved – we’re not sure, I’m gonna ask Hermione and Fred about them and we’ll see but the signs are there, Ron’s been affected by one before and the anger and the persistence it’s the same – George and Fred manufacture them but there milder then this, this looks like it’s been concentrated over time”
She wiped her eyes and stared “A love potion?”
“Such things exist; it’s just a matter of strength, this looks, well it looks strong but it can be stopped – you just need to stay away for a bit”
“I plan to, I don’t want a repeat of that – that – god now I know it’s not his fault I can’t be mad at him”
“It might be, it might not, George just might be horrible, I slapped him and I don’t feel in the least bit guilty” she said over the crying, “Ugh, she won’t settle Harry”
He looked “Still Patience?”
“Still Patience”
“You checked everything?”
“Everything but hungry, she doesn’t smell, she should be sleepy” she covered her front with a blanket attempting to feed her, “What’s wrong sweetheart?” she said looking down when she refused to take, “She wouldn’t this morning there’s something wrong”
“You want to try a bottle again?” he got up and rifled in the bag,
“Go on then, she’s a bit warm but her crying sounds different”
He handed over the bottle checking on Faith in the pram, “Faiths ok, I don’t know what it could be Gin”
“She won’t take the bottle” Gin said with a sigh, “What if it’s just me, you want to take her and see?”
“Sure” he reached out, her dry crying continuing, “Come on now honey” he took the bottle trying but she wouldn’t take,
“What about changing her baby grow?” Sophia suggested
“Anything” Ginny rifled in the bag for a new one, checking the P on it, Harry set her down on the couch cushions, and took off the old replacing it, he lifted her up and placed her on his shoulder gently but the crying didn’t cease,
“We’ll take them” he stood up, “Soph, we’re gonna go to the hospital, don’t tell anyone yet please”
“Sure, look do you want me to sit Faith; you can focus on her and not have to worry about feeding and changing this one”
“Would you?” Ginny said, “Are you sure?”
“Of course, just leave what I need and we’ll be fine”
“Thankyou” Harry said putting Patience in the carry cot, Ginny took out nappies, and blankets and baby grows packing a smaller bag,
“We shouldn’t be long” she said,
“It’s fine, just go and make sure she’s ok”
“Thankyou” Ginny said as Harry led the way out.

“What do you think could be wrong Harry?” she said as he picked her out of the cot and cradled her trying to sooth the crying,
“I don’t know honey”
People started to look at them, but unlike usual it was Ginny that was noticing,
“We’re doing what we can aren’t we?”
“Gin, we’re at the hospital, there’s something wrong and we’re come to the place where they can help us, other people have trees growing out of there heads”
“But we’re drawing attention for being teenage parents, that aren’t doing this right”
“Ignore them” he leant over to kiss her cheek, “I think she’s going to be ok”
“Patience Potter”
They stood up and carried the still crying baby in,
“She’s not feeding, we’ve tried everything, she won’t settle down”
The healer ran a wand over her, “She’s a little sick, a tummy upset, I think we’ll keep her in for a few days with a food tube and some muggle medicine, just to keep her going and then she’ll be right to go back to milk”
“Why wouldn’t her twin be the same?”
“This one’s immune system could be a little weaker; she might not be dealing with as well”
“Faith’s been drinking less, she usually wants more – but she is still feeding”
“Patience just can’t take it, we’ll help her out for you, don’t worry she’ll be fine”
“A few days though” Ginny said sadly, “We can visit right”
“Of course, she’ll be one of only three babies in the hospital, the whole ward will be yours” the healer smiled “We’ll take her up there now ok”
“Ok” she mumbled as they stood up,
“She’s going to be fine” Harry said letting Ginny carry her,
The healer spoke with a smile, “Just you wait as soon as she has a little medicine the crying will stop and she’ll be right as rain”
RIP JD Salinger
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