Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Fifteen Dear Diary
You would think things after that would be so not complicated and everything would pan out beautifully, guess what, you were wrong..
Jacob, is still rather mad at me, he thinks I was being stupid and immature. Don't get me wrong, but that kid can be extremely thick and stubborn at times like this, he is really a great friend, I guess I just have to wait for him to come around. But there are times that I doubt that he will... Oh yea, J.C has been doing everything in her power to make my life a living hell. Um, something new? Er. Zoe is really mad at Jacob cause he won't forgive me and apologize for being a git. Oh, and, I am getting tons of hate-mail now, somehow J.C found out I was bitten.
I have no idea how the heck I am going to make it through this, Jacob thinks I'm.. I don't know, but he's mad at me for being a werewolf as well I guess, it just, nothing makes any sense.. Aaron Thayne has been really nice and understanding, but for some reason Michael doesn't like him at all, stupid guys and their stupid jealousy, Aaron isn't interested in me the way er, Michael is? Speaking of which, Mickey is really over-protective, but then again, I guess he has his reasons to be..
Love Callie,
The fourteen year old stood up and headed down towards the Ancient Runes classroom where she sat down next to Aaron, who smiled warmly at her.” Hey Callie, how are you doing?” He asked as she smiled back and placed her bag next to her seat.
“ Pretty good, I actually got a little bit of sleep last night.” Calypso replied happily, opening her Ancient Runes book, she and Aaron always arrived early so that they could chat and catch up a bit, homework was starting to get more overwhelming and there were also the constant reminders that O.W.L's were next year.
“ That's really good to hear Callie! I'm really happy for you. And um, what about, your parents, did you send the letter to them today?” Aaron's grin faded a little bit at the end of his question.
“ Yea, I have no idea how they are going to react though..” Calypso sighed worriedly.” Do you think they'll kick me out of the house?”
“ Of course not Callie, from how you describe them, and the type of person you are, they would look past the fact that you are a werewolf, they definitely wouldn't-” Aaron was cut off by Headmistress McGonagall entering and clearing her throat.
“ Miss Granger-Malfoy.” She spoke sternly.” Come with me to my office please, Mr Thayne, if you could be as kind as to take her bag to Mr Creed for her.” And with that she turned on her heel and walked out.
“ Uh oh.” Calypso muttered sitting up, and she started to follow McGonagall, but paused briefly at the door.” If you want you can give the bag to Zoe instead, I don't think Mickey likes you that much.” She gave him a sympathetic smile before quickly running after McGonagall. The Headmistress was silent until they arrived at her office.
“ Your father sent a quick note to me and requested that you take this portkey immediately, your parents will arrange your trip back.” Nodding a frightened Calypso took the silver mirror that McGonagall handed towards her. She felt the familiar feeling of being pulled around her stomach, and then she appeared in St. Mungo's. Looking around she felt like screaming, what in the world happened?
“ Callie!” Draco rushed over to her, smiling like crazy.
“ Dad.. What's going on?” Calypso asked worry clearly etched across her face.
“ The baby, it's coming today.” He said, and Calypso sighed in relief.” Hermione said she wants you name the baby.” Calypso's jaw dropped, and her eyes grew twice the normal size.
“ Really?” She was barely able to ask the question that was running through her mind.” Like, really, really?”
“ Of course.” Draco smiled at her.” Come on in to the waiting room, you can sit there with Teddy.”
“ Sweet!” She smiled, dashing in to the waiting room, were nine year old Teddy was sitting impatiently.” Ted!”
“ Cay!” He shouted running over to her, earning sharp looks from the other people there.” How's school been, oh and, how's Mickey.” He waggling his eyebrows at her.
“ What!?” Calypso hissed at him, narrowing her eyes.
“ Have you told your daddy about him yet?” Teddy smirked happily at her, and her mouth thinned in to a rather narrow slit.” Guess not.”
“ How do you know about Michael?” Calpso asked, really suspicious of him now.
“ There's a page or two missing in your diary.” He responded.
“ You are such a Slytherin!” Calypso spat at him, rolling her eyes now.
“ I stole them off the guy who stole them.” Teddy said, as if that was a liable excuse.
“ WHO?” Calypso nearly shouted, forgetting why she was there.
“ I don't remember.” He answered, probably truthfully, Calpyos rolled mher eyes again and attempted to calm herself down. They then sat around for seven hours when Calypso finally decided that they should head up to get something to eat, before the nine year old killed everybody with his incessant whining. They headed up to the cafe when she thought she heard familiar voices, quickly Calypso made my way over.
“ Look, can I just go now?” What was Michael doing here? Calypso thought, surprised.
“ Sir! Your still bleeding from your head.” That was the final straw for her, Calypso never been known for someone with a lot of patience. She shoved the door open and marched in. Calypso saw Michael sitting on the side of one of the hospital beds and several healers surrounding him, they all looked at her when she entered, with Teddy right behind her as well.” You can't be here, Miss!” One of the healers cried.
“ Michael Steven Creed, what are you doing here?” She exploded, ignoring the healers.
“ What are you doing here?” He echoed.
“ I asked first.” Calypso snapped at him.
“ Um.. I got in a fight.” Michael mumbled.
“ With who?” Calypso persisted.
“ Answer my question first!” He shot back.
“ Well um... My mum is going to have a kid.” She mellowed down, nearly forgetting again, and then remembering.
“ Oh wait, this is Mickey? Ooh, pleasure to meet my future honorary brother in-law!” Teddy announced his presence, making Calypso want to go hide.
“ Er, what?” Michael blinked at him.
“ My dads, cousins kid. Long story, and ignore him. Who did you get in a fight with?”
“ Jacob and Aaron.”
“ Was this a two-on-one?”
“ Er, no, it was a free for all.”
“ How did it start?”
“ Aaron said something, which I didn't hear, Jacob punched him, and then they began to get in a fight, so I tried to break it up and, someone hit me with a spell.” Michael looked down at his feet, meaning he did hear the something and he knew who the someone was that hit him with the spell. But Calypso knew now wasn't the time. She walked over to him, cupped his face in her hands and kissed him full on the mouth.
“ I'm just glad your okay.” She murmured against his lips.
“ Um, guys, no PDA in front of me please, I'm still a kid!” Teddy protested..
Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 01-09-2011 at 04:28 AM.