Thats ok Claire... but please do keep commenting. It keeps me going 
Next post!
Order meetings were happening less frequently than they had been, it was strange because head quarters became strangely deserted and quiet. This was mostly due to the absence of Professor Dumbledore. Many of the members as well as Ellouise were concerned that his lack of participation was due to some serious health problem. Ellouise reminisced on the day Dumbledore had come to visit her, his hand shrivelled and blackened, as if the limb itself was dying and rotting away. Many thoughts had crossed her mind in regards to the cause of such a thing. Ellouise, Xavier, the Smith’s and the Weasley’s had come to the conclusion that it Dumbledore must have come into contact with a very serious, very dark curse. But as to how this may have happened they were clueless.
With not much happening at the Order, Ellouise found that she spent a great deal of time thinking of her parents, every night she had the same horrid nightmare and every night she woke up drenched in sweat. Still she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know where they were, only that there was a possibility that they were being held at the Ministry of Magic. What Ellouise needed was a plan. She needed to figure out where to get the information she required, and then how to execute a rescue mission. The hard part was knowing where to begin.
“What’s on your mind Elle?” asked Charlie.
Ellouise blinked, she had been so focused on her thoughts that she hadn’t realised that she wasn’t alone. Ellouise turned in her seat by the fire to see Charlie laying on the couch staring at her with a curious expression on his face.
“My parents”, she replied slowly, the sadness clearly etched on her face. Charlie sat up and motioned for her to join him. Ellouise got up and wandered over to the couch, letting herself fall into its soft cushions. Charlie held out his arm so that she could rest her head on his chest, but she didn’t move.
“I can’t stop thinking about them. Every night I have the same dream...”, she trailed off. Nobody knew about the nightmares, not even Remus. Charlie raised an eyebrow, “what’s the dream about?” he asked cautiously.
“Well... I suppose it’s more of a nightmare than a dream.” Ellouise sighed. “I keep reliving the night that they were taken, still see the horrible things play over and over again.”
“I know something that might take your mind off things”, said Charlie suddenly as he stood up.
Ellouise just looked at him blankly, but took his hand to help her up.
“Do you have a coat?” he asked, “You’ll need it.”
Ellouise hurried upstairs and grabbed her black pea coat and her pair of black dragon hide gloves, she then slipped on her black boots and rushed back down the stairs. She welcomed anything that could take her mind off her parents even if it was only for a few hours.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs Charlie was waiting for her, he too had on a pair of gloves and his thick red plaid jacket.
“Very chic”, said Charlie as Ellouise descended the stairs, “You sure you want to be seen with me?” he asked smiling broadly. Ellouise smiled, “Where’re we going?” she asked as she hastily wrote a note on a spare piece of parchment and left it on the coffee table in the drawing room.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out”, he said as he held out his hand. Ellouise took it and was immediately swept off her feet, her surroundings just becoming a hazy swirl of blacks and greys. A second later she felt her feet hit the ground. She and Charlie were standing in a paddock with grass that was too high to see over. It was a bright day, though there was a bitter cold breeze that stung her eyes. In the distance she could she hills with rolling green meadows.
“This is the area where I grew up”, said Charlie as he began walking toward the forest that was behind her. “We live just over that hill, this is our neighbours property. I doubt he will mind. He’s been in hiding since you-know-who returned, though of course we wouldn’t know the difference if he was alive or dead.” Ellouise jogged to catch up, turning in circles to take in her surroundings.
“Oh I forgot something...” said Charlie suddenly looking concerned.
“What is it?”
“Um... how are you at conjuring live sheep? I’ve never been very good at it.” He said. Ellouise raised an eyebrow quizzically.
“Not very good”, she replied, but she took out her wand none the less, swishing it in the direction of a couple of tree stumps and muttering something underneath her breath. The tree stumps shuddered and shifted, and suddenly they weren’t tree stumps at all.
“I’m good at transfiguration though”, she said smiling at Charlie’s bewildered expression. “Yeah, I never got the hang of that, you’ll have to tutor me”, he replied.
“So what do we need the sheep for?” asked Ellouise, though she had a vague idea as to why anyone would need sheep deep in a thick dark forest.
“You’ll see,” replied Charlie, he paused briefly, “You have to promise not to tell anyone though, nobody knows. Especially not my mum, I swear she’d have a heart attack and then she’d kill me. If anyone asks we were just out on a walk, getting some fresh air.”