Chapter 6: Runic Transliteration and Transcription The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer Chapter 6: Runic Transliteration and Transcription Fehu ("fay-who") F -- f as in fire Uruz ("oo-rooze") U -- oo as in choose or oo as in book Thurisaz ("thoor-ee-saws") TH -- th as in thorn, never th as in the Ansuz ("awn-sooze") A -- a as in call or add Raidho ("rye-though") R -- r as in ride Kenaz ("kane-awze") K or C -- k as in kick, hard c as in can. Gebo ("ghay-bow") G -- g as in good, ch as in loch but softer Wunjo ("Woon-yoh" or "Vun-yoh") W or V -- w as in wax, v as in van Hagalaz ("Har-ghawl-arz") H -- h as in hat Nauthiz ("Now-these") N -- n as in now Isa ("Ee-saw") I -- i as in sit Jera ("Year-ah") J -- j as in jump and y as in year Eihwaz (eye-was") I (long) or EI -- i as in pride and y as in style Perthro ("perth-row") P -- p as in pat Algiz ("Awl-gheeze") Z -- z as in zone, s as in cousin Sowilo ("soe-wee-low" or "so-veal-oh") S -- s as in sun, c as in nice Tiwaz ("Tea-wahz") T -- t as in top Berkano ("Bear-kawn-oh") B -- b as in bite Ehwaz ("Ay-wahz") E -- e as in end, ee as in sheep Mannaz ("Mah-nawz") M -- m as in man Laguz (Lah-gooze") L -- l as in life Ingwaz ("Ing-wahz") NG -- ng as in finger or singer Dagaz ("Daw-ghawz") D - d as in dog, dth as in breadth, th as in the Othala ("Oath-awe-law") O -- o as in old, o as in cot, o as in oat key: Rune Name of Rune ("Pronunciation of name") Alphabet equivalent - Phonetic Value |