Join Date: Nov 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Elena Petrova Gryffindor First Year x8
| not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Ella was frantic. She had heard that Jade and her minions had invaded the Hogwarts express. Isabelle was on there! Ella had made Jade promise not to hurt Isabelle, and she hoped she stayed true to her promise.
Ella walked hurriedly down the hall and into her bedroom. She had forgotten her necklace in her hurry that morning. She had an amulet that was supposed to ward off evil. The book had told her to put a certain jewel to ward off the thing that she needed to get rid of most. So, on her necklace, was a Jade.
Ella grabbed the necklace apparated almost immediately after putting it on. Her feet touched the ground in the graveyard and she didn't falter in her walking. She walked to the end, to a place he had long ago memorized, and knelt beside the grave.
No matter how many times she visited, there was always a thing layer of dust covering the grave. Personally, Ella thought that it was cursed. She rubbed her hand across the headstone and revealed the name; Christian Onera. "Oh Christian," she said quietly. "I wish you were here, you would help me get through this." But she still had Flora, they would save the kids. "Orchideous." Ella held up her wand and flowers flowed out of it. They fell to the ground around Christian's grave and they made it look a little more cheerful. Ella sighed and stood up; she was late. All of them were supposed to meet Jade at their old village, but Ella had something to do first.
She apparated again, this time ending up at a house at the edge of a forest. There were a few houses around it, but their light were off. Either no one loved there or they were out. Ella took a deep breath and marched up to the front door. "Hello who-Ella?" Brad's face was completely shocked. His eyes widened as he looked at her. "What are you doing here? Did you get Jade's message?" "Yes," Ella replied. "Do you know what she's doing?" "No," Brad said. He looked at her curiously. Ella just nodded and held his eyes. "Why don't you come inside?" Ella followed him into his house and sat on a chair in his living room, while he took the couch across from her. "Jade and her minions invaded the Hogwarts express today," Ella informed him. He gasped, but Ella didn't stop. "They kidnapped all the children on it and took them to the village. The one we used to live in." "What are they going to do to them?" He asked with a shocked expression. "I don't know," Ella said with a shrug. "I think they're trying to bring back the Death Eaters. And that's why I'm here; I have a very important question for you, and you'd better answer truthfully. Are you, or are you not, on Jade's side?" "No," Brad said. "I'm not on the evil side. Do the children's parents know what happened? Oh Ella! Your daughter was on that train wasn't she?" "Yes she was," Ella said softly. She sighed and she knew that Brad was telling the truth; he was on her side. "And as for your other question; I don't think so. They think their children are safely at Hogwarts, but eventually they're going to figure out. And I know a few who won't stand by and let this happen." "I don't think any parent would stand by and let this happen to their children," Brad said. "And eventually is too long. They need to know now. And it is our job to tell them." "How?" Ella asked sceptically. "We can't just go to someone's house and tell them. What would we say? 'Excuse me ma'am, but your child has been taken by Death Eaters to a Death Eater camp where their training them to be evil.' They wouldn't believe us." "Some would," Brad said. "I know at least one." "Harry Potter," Ella whispered. "Yes," Brad agreed. "And other children of Order members. All the Weasleys for one. And what about Teddy Lupin? He's an auror, so is Harry for that matter, they'd deliver the news to the ministry and we could fight back." "You clearly don't know Jade," Ella said. "She's not going to make fighting back easy." "No," Christian agreed. "But we have to try." Ella looked skeptical and Brad grabbed her arm in exasperation. "Come on."
They appeared on a cliff with water behind them. A woman was outside, just sitting on the grass. She looked like she was meditating, and there was a baby laying next to her.
The woman had long silvery blonde hair, and Ella knew that if she opened her eyes she would have electric blue eyes. She knew who the woman was, and now she knew why they were there. "Who are you?" The woman's eyes flew open and she glared at them. She picked up her baby and stood up warily. "We're friends," Brad said. He stayed where he was so as not to alarm her. "We came to deliver you news." "Someone already came," Victoire told him. "And it's not true. He's not dead." "Who's not dead?" Ella asked. She couldn't help herself; she was curious. Victoire's glare fixed on her this time. "Isn't that why you're here?" She asked. "To tell me Teddy's dead? That's why they were here a few days ago. But it's not true you know, Teddy wouldn't have died." "I don't believe he's dead either," Brad said. "But that's not why we're here. We're here to tell you that the Hogwarts Express was attacked and the student were taken by Death Eaters." Victoire gasped. "Lily, Hugo!" She cried. "Molly, Lucy, Fred! They were all on there!" She glared at Ella and Brad. "How do yo know this? And since you do, do you know where they are?" "We-well I can't really tell you how we know that," Ella said. "You'll just have to trust us. As for the other question, yes we know, but I'm afraid we can't tell you that." "But you have to!" Victoire exclaimed. "I have to go rescue my cousins, and Teddy might be there!" "Alright," Brad said. "We'll tell you, but you have to promise not to do anything rash. And don't try to invade on your own, okay?" "Okay," Victoire agreed. Brad told her the address and she disapperated. "We should go," Ella said. "Jade's waiting." Brad nodded, and they diapperated.