Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 12-29-2010, 12:14 AM   #424 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
Default A wee short post
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

I felt like a random post. Its not been beta-ed so sorry for the terrible mistakes but here you go. A quick Christmas day post...

Post 41

“Ginny. Ginny, dear Merry Christmas. It’s time to get up.” I could hear my mum’s voice from the side of my bed
“Merry Christmas mum!” I yawned, stretched then pulled her into a hug and held her longer than she expected. I whispered to her, “It’s not only Harry that gets m hugs.” She squeezed me tighter but it got to the point where she had been in my bubble long enough and I wanted my space back!
“Ok mum, I love you too but did I hear you say Charlie’s home?” She smiled and nodded and I could feel a grin creep upon my face. I jumped out of bed and ran as fast as I could into the kitchen where I heard Charlie’s familiar laugh.
“CHARLIE!” I screamed making sure everyone recognised my presence and then jumped into his arms for as big brother bone crushing hug.
“Hey, Ginny!” He said spinning me round and round. He eventually set me on my feet and laughed.
“Ginny, you have bed hair.” He told me as he continued laughing. My hands went automatically to my head and felt the messy lump. Embarrassed, I folded my arms across my chest and pouted. I heard more laughing and turned around to all the family who were laughing except Harry who just smiled a smile that lit up the whole room and he held his arms open for me. I fell into his embrace and wrapped myself around his body. “Merry Christmas Harry.” I whispered into his chest. “Merry Christmas Gin.” He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “I love you Harry.” I stretched up on my tippy toes to reach his face. He knew what I was asking for but only bent down and gave me the shortest of pecks on the side of my lips. I huffed loudly, expecting he would give in to me but he whispered in my ear, “Really Ginny, not in company. We can spend some time alone later.”

I went upstairs and changed into my Christmas frock. It was gold and sparkly so it complimented the colour of my hair which had been tamed and put into loose curls. The cold winter sun outside made the snow covered ground glitter. It made my dress sparkle too like a great golden Christmas bauble. Smells from the kitchen had crept their way upstairs and had made my nose tingle. My hungry stomach growled. It would just have to be a few hours more patient.

After playing countless games of charades and going back for third and fourth helpings of pudding, the house was silent. We were all in a food coma. We had been joined by Remus and Tonks after dinner who announced they had got married. It was a private service with no guests. They did it their own way I suppose.

I could feel myself nodding off against Harry's shoulder. I felt his hand snake into mine and I felt him pull me to my feet. I lead him upstairs to my room. Mum came out of the bathroom and glanced at our intertwined hands. She had watched harry kiss me up against the wall. I don't know how that made her feel, but I was extremely embarrassed and I quickly pulled Harry into my room as he hadn't noticed she was watching.

"Uh, I'm just so over being a witch. I wish I was a muggle. They have an easy life. I bet they don't need to worry about mums spying on them.” I complained as I shut the room door.

“Wait. What? Why are you saying that? What brought this on?” Harry asked confused

“It's just that I was talking to mum the other night and all she has done since we've gone back to school is worry. And that worries me that it's all she does. She has lost her life. She doesn't do anything anymore. She used to have friends she would have round for tea, but not anymore. And she has been watching us like a hawk Harry.” I said worried running a hand through my hair

“Well I think we can arrange a Muggle experience for you.” Harry said wiggling his eyebrows. I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

“Oh yeah! Like what?” I asked
He turned around and places his hands on my hips and brought me closer to him. He bent his head down and I stared into his eyes. His tongue traced over his lower lip teasing me. Ever so slowly without breaking eye contact he pressed his lips to mine. I could feel the blood beneath my skin boil as his hands ran over my body. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and I felt a smile form on his lips. He moved over to my bed and sat on the edge but was surprised when I pushed him back. I broke away smiling.

“Well that was nice.” He said

“Harry, I'm not finished.” And I kissed him softly working up to a hot and fiery kiss.
“Oh but I am. Merry Christmas Ginny!” He looked over at the window.
I turned to him and smiled. “I thought we agreed no presents.”

So there you go. Sorry it kinda just ends. You might be able to guess. I have bits and pieces of the next chapter, its just trying to put them all together... I hope you all had a good Christmas and all the best to all of you for the New Year,
Soph xx
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