I'm on fire! Here's the next post!... it's a bit short but there will be more to come tomorrow 
Thanks everyone for the 250+ views!
Just then Naomi and Remus entered the kitchen followed by Carlisle. After exchanging good mornings Ellouise went upstairs to grab her black wool coat, boots and wand. It was almost time to set up. Though the meeting was taking place at around midday, she and Anton had to be in position earlier, in case the death eaters decided to increase their security, though at this stage they didn’t have any reason to suspect they would, it was merely a precaution. Ellouise morphed into her wolf animgus and bounded down the stairs racing through to the kitchen. She noticed that the Potters had joined them for breakfast. Ellouise jumped up onto the kitchen bench and stole the piece of toast Harry was holding, right out of his hands. Harry laughed and scratched Ellouise behind the ear. Xavier sidled up to her and stroked her soft sleek fur, “I didn’t know wolves like marmalade,” he said jokingly. Ellouise morphed back to her human form and smiled at her audience, “I’m not your average wolf,” she replied.
“Ready for your mission?” asked James as he looked up from his paper.
“Absolutely, it’s about time I can do something useful”, she said. Remus had a concerned expression on his face, his brows furrowed and his lips pulled down at the corners.
“I’m sure you’ll be a great asset to the Order”, said James reassuringly.
Ellouise looked up at the wall clock, it was now five-thirty, Anton would have to hurry up if they were going to get there for the time they had planned.
“Promise me you’ll be careful,” said Xavier suddenly. His grey eyes focused on Ellouise. “I promise I’ll be careful,” she replied not leaving his gaze. “I just got you back Ellie, I don’t want to lose you again,” he said. Ellouise’s heart skipped a beat, she inhaled a deep breath, he had missed her, he still cared. Just then Anton arrived, he wore a thick sheepskin coat, a green beanie, dragon-hide gloves and dragon-hide boots. He looked uncharacteristically pale and each movement he made was very calculated and deliberate. Ellouise laughed, “Looks like you’re set,” she said. Anton smiled weakly, “Ladies first”. Ellouise kissed Remus on the cheek and whispered something in his ear, then she turned to Xavier and the Potter’s, “See you guys soon,” she said, then she apparated.