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Old 12-23-2010, 03:42 AM   #79 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2003
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

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Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

SPOILER!!: quotes
Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Hilarious as always Fantastic post! Please PAMS!
Aww... thanks so much! Hope you enjoy this one too.

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
Funny, I liked it.
Good... I like that you're entertained, bud .

HAHAHA! Just thinking of someone saying that outloud to their parents... See my mom would be like... Uh huh... 'course he is... Let's go get your yearly checkup...
I think it's pretty clear that Ally doesn't have filters the way that normal people should.

Funny coincidence, I was watching the pepto bismal commercial when reading this... I had to re-read it a few times to make sure I didn't just make it up in my head.
I'm reading your miiiiiiiind. I'm in your head.

My brother does too...
I think Brad IS your brother. I think so too.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Really good chapter
i loved it!

Eviee <33
Thanks, honey! I'm glad you liked it

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
Great post!!

I kinda felt like you gave up on the story it made me sad
Never. I got distracted, but Ally is back and bossy. So, of course, I have to keep writing until she abandons me again.

Loving this, still Brad is still his hilarious self and so is Ally. It's just your writing, you are so creative when it comes to humour

K xx
Thank you! There's not much Brad in the next chapter, but Ally is there... and her mom. Her dad is still a mystery to me.


Day 1, Part 8

GROUNDED. Can you believe it?

Who gets grounded on vacation??

As soon as we finish dinner, Brad grabs his hoodie and heads for the door. The older kids have some sort of nightly bonfire thing right on the beach. It sounds like a lame way for boys to set things on fire without getting in trouble and girls to snuggle up on strangers without being called names, but it sure beats lying around the cottage.

Only Mom stops me before I even make it halfway to the door. “You can’t go,” she points a finger at me like she wants to jab my brain into submission.

“But Mom…”

“You can’t go,” she repeats. I’m not deaf, though. Just stubborn.


“I still don’t like that you wandered off in the village earlier, and your attitude hasn’t been particularly winning lately. I think you need some time to cool off and readjust.” Mom talks pop psychology but what she really means is ‘grounded’. I can’t go to the bonfire.

That sucks.

Brad slips right out the door without even one backward glance, and I’m alone with a grumpy mother. “That’s not…”

Her finger wiggles in my direction again. “If you say anything about how Harry Potter never got punished, I might lose it. Just… don’t.”

Honestly, I was about to say that it wasn’t fair, because it just isn’t. Brad isn’t an adult, and no one throws a fit when he hangs out with new people. Maybe it’s a thing because I’m a girl or the youngest, or maybe they just don’t trust me, but it isn’t fair. This is vacation, and as I’ve said, no one gets grounded on vacation.

And the thing about Harry never getting punished isn’t true, but I don’t want to give Mom any ideas. When people got upset at Harry, he ended up locked in a cupboard or sorting newt eyeballs or cutting words into his own hand. A little forced quiet time pales in comparison… even if it isn’t fair.

“And maybe if he’d been punished every once in a while, Harry Potter wouldn’t have been such a moody teenager during that whole fifth book. Someone needed to send him to his room for a while instead of treating him like he was such a special snowflake,” my mom is ranting about Harry Potter. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. She started reading the books to bond with me over mutual interests, but she hasn’t made it all the way through the sixth and seventh book. And she has seriously uninformed opinions that show she’s clearly not a true fangirl.

For example: Harry is not a moody teenager in OotP because no one ever grounded him for talking to strange girls. He was a moody teenager because Voldemort was living in his head. No amount of grounding will drive out the Dark Lord.

Point to Ally.

Dad looks over from where he’s washing the dishes, and we exchange a LOOK about Mom getting all worked up. “Honey, I think you’re losing this one.”

Mom shuts her mouth with a little click, nodding at Dad like he’s Dumbledore and Gandalf rolled into one mega-genius wizard sans beard. My Dad… when he isn’t sleeping or vegging in front of the TV, he has stuff to say. “Anyway, you can’t go.”

Because the bonfire sounds really lame anyway, I should shrug it off, but it’s hard to lose a fight. “I thought this was a democracy. Where are my rights?”

“Honey, we’re in England.”

Point to Mom. “But we’re American.”

“Contrary to popular belief, the US is a republic,” my dad offers from the kitchen. Thanks, Dad. Super time to pitch in. “Not a democracy.”

“I would like to formally protest my lack of representation in the government that is my family,” I turn back to Mom and stick out my lip.

“Honey. I love you.” She grabs my head and gives my forehead a wet kiss.

Did I win? Did I lose?

I have no idea, but I retreat to my bedroom and let the door swing behind me. Arguing with the people who control your allowance and curfew is usually a pretty stupid effort, even if it is occasionally satisfying to get in the last word. Unfortunately, my mother is also ace at last words.

As I’m in the middle of thinking of all the different synonyms for ‘pink’, I fall asleep.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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