For My New Reader
Lilly_Luna! Personally I'm not to thrilled with the way this has turned out but here you go...
Post 40
"Mum!" I yelled dropping my trunk and running into her arms.
"Oh Ginny. How are you Dear?" She said pulling away and holding my face in her hands.
"I'm good. Glad to be home." I smiled hugging her again as Ron-Ron struggled to get a hug off his mummy.
"You seem to have grown. Both of you!" She said stepping back for a good look at us.
"Oh I've missed you terribly. And Harry," she pushed past us to get to Harry and gave him a hug too.
"How are you?" "I'm fine thank you Mrs.Weasley. Thank you for having me." "Oft, Harry. This is your home. You're welcome here. And I thought you'd have learned that after, what five, six years, that it's Molly. No need to be so formal pet." she rubbed his cheek.
Harry smiled politely.
"Fred and George are coming around later. They are bringing a friend. Emily, I think the girl's name is." "Oh I think I know who you're talking about, mum. She's in Fred and George's year. I see her in the common room from time to time. She seems nice."
"And Charlie is coming home for Christmas tomorrow." Mum said continuing from where she left off with a big smile on her face.
"Nice, though I don't imagine he'll be brinning anyone." Ron mumbled with a mouth full of food already.
"All he cares about are those bloody dragons." "And all you care about is bloody cake!" I said in a matter of fact tone!
Mum tutted,
"Behave." I sighed to myself. If only she knew half of the antics the we get up to!
We unpacked and mum cooked a lovely meal. We sat around the table and made polite conversation, but we were all tired so decided an early night would be best.
However I couldn't contain my excitment for the holidays and I tossed and turned for a good hour or so before I decided I needed a glass of water.
As I made my way down the long and windy staircase, I noticed lights were still on in the sitting room and kitchen. As I reached the kitchen door, I noticed my mum sitting at the table with her back to the door.
"Mum," I whispered not wanting to startle her or take her from her thoughts.
"Oh, Ginny. Are you ok? Why are you up?"
"I'm just down for a drink I said pointing to the tap and reaching into the cupboard for a glass."I sat on the worktop with the glass and took small sipps. I jumped as the kettle made a popping sound.
"Would you not rather have some tea?" Mum asked.
"It will keep you warm."
"Yeah, ok." I emptied the water down the sink then joined mum at the table.
"So how've you been, mum.?"
"Oh you know. Not much has happened. These are dark days, Ginny. I worry about you and your brothers constantly. It's all I think about. I fear for your dad, everyday when he goes to work. I have... everything here," she said with a sigh, looking around the room with her hands in the air,
"I just don't have my beautiful children." She patted my cheek and smiled. Her eyes twinkled in the dim light.
"You shouldn't worry about us mum. Hogwarts is the safest place for me and Ron, and Bill and Charlie are all grown up. They know what they are doing. Fred and George; well for them, business is booming, so don't worry." "And Percy," she said in a small whisper. She had been concentrating on the table and I noticed a lonely tear fall onto the wood. I reached across the table and took her hand, giving it a squeeze.
"Mum," I said in barely a whisper as my voice broke.
"He's out there somewhere. He'll come back when he's ready."
"You know," she said looking up forcing a smile, "
I've kept his room the same since the day he left. I occasionally go in with a duster and clean the windowsills or change the bedsheets or curtains. I continue like he'd never gone.""And you," she said pointing her finger into my hand she was holding,
"You are most definitely my second worry."
"Me?" I was flabbergasted, why did she worry about me?
"You, I just worry because, if you're not playing quidditch, you're in the hospital wing." She smiled her familiar mummsy smile.
"And every holiday, when you're home, you seem to have grown up much more than the time before. And do you know where I've seen it most?" She paused and I shook my head.
"With you and Harry." She paused again
"Ginny, I just worry that this has become more than a silly little teenage infactuation. You know that I love Harry, but this is so different. It's amazing the difference that three months makes. You both are very grown up about this whole relationship. Back in the summer, you were both just... oh I don't know, you both just rushed things. Suddenly everything was all better now that Harry was there. You were inseperable and spent all your time together. But now you have this connection, you have built up this strange, trust is the wrong word, its like at summer you would hold hands and he'd have his arm around you but I don't see that now. That reminded me it was only a little teenage crush, but now I don't have that reminder. I only wonder how close you have got. I don't want you rushing things. You're still my baby. I just remember how upset you were when he told you it was over before the summer. I just worry that there will be more damage if he does it again. I'll be here for you though. I'm a mum, its part of the job description. You can tell me anything, dear." "Mum, Harry is not going to leave me anytime soon." I laughed shaking my head.
"Thats not what I mean Ginny." I stopped laughing and gave her a quizzically look.
"Please just remember how old you are. Your going to be sixteen in March Ginny and Harry is older."
"So? He's older by what, nine ten months. Look, I think we should leave this conversation where it is before it becomes something I don't feel like discussing." I stood up.
"Please don't worry about me mum." I walked round to her and kissed her curls before heading upstairs to my room and pulling the covers snuggly around me.
I closed my eyes and began to think
"Did she really expect me to understand that? I'm a teenager for goodness sake. I live to learn from my mistakes." And in total frustration, I fell asleep.
This is a celebration of the exams finishing and Christmans beginning. Hope you all have an lovely Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a good holiday. * * ,
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even though I wish I could I can't take the credit for this^ Click here for a look at better ones