Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 314
Hogwarts RPG Name: Christina Danielle Lindman Second Year | Chapter 5 *I wanted to just get this posted already, so it's not edited as well as some of the other chapters...* P.S. If anyone knows how to make cool banners and wants to help me out that would be sweet....
The Room of Requirement became my sanctuary. All of my time, except for lessons and meals, was spent there. As I started telling it specifically what I wanted, it grew to a place better than I could have every imagined. Shelves and shelves of books lined the walls, and eventually a fantastic shower turned up. It felt like tropical rain and had soaps that smelled like heaven; it was almost as grand as the prefects’ bathroom (which I had stumbled upon my first year). Warm blankets lay on the softest bed I had ever slept on, and I started sleeping in the Room every night. I learned to charm the pillows in the dormitory to look like me when I was sleeping- they even moved once in a while, and rose and fell as if filled with breath- just in case someone happened to check if I was there.
My absence did not go unnoticed however. I still ate with Draco, and he constantly asked me where I had been running off to. He tried to follow me every once in the while, but he was named specifically when I told the Room who not to let in; which was really just about everyone.
Pansy noticed my disappearances as well, and she constantly whispered “You can’t hide from me forever. You’ll get what you deserve,” into my ear in class. She really wasn’t smart enough to follow me though. I had become very good at throwing people off my trail, and I was used to people much sharper than her following me.
Even the staff members noticed the decline in my usual detentions. Most of them stated how proud they were of me, except Professor Snape. He just looked at me with those black eyes, seeming to stare straight through me, like he knew where I had been going every day and night. Mr. Filch noticed as well, but I could only tell by his mutterings to his cat, telling her what a trouble maker I was and that I’d better keep my nose clean. He had been quite bitter towards everyone since I evaded him that night, even if he didn’t know exactly who it was.
My days started passing faster and faster, and Draco and Pansy became mere whispers in the back of my mind. I was content to sit in the Room of Requirement and listen to the radio. Somehow, my world seemed a little less lonely there. If I had to be alone all the time, at least I could be comfortable. When the holidays did finally come, I almost never left. I was warm and safe there. I didn’t bother going home for Christmas- it would mean dragging my parents home, and I didn’t think I could do that to them.
Whispers of the Yule Ball filled the Great Hall during meals, and I watched as countless girls whispered and giggled at the boys they wanted to ask. I really hated giggling. It was just obnoxious. Even the word was annoying. Giggle. It was just aggravating.
Pansy Parkinson was a giggler. On Christmas Eve I could hear that irritating little voice over everyone else’s. I had decided to sleep in the dormitory that night so that I could get all of my Christmas presents and collect some of my things. I listened as the rest of the girls tried and tried to get her to tell who she was going to the ball with, but she would simply break out in a fit of giggles. They talked about how pathetic it was that I didn’t have I date, and how I must’ve thought I could get one since I stayed here over the holidays. Well now. We would just have to see about that.
As I opened my presents the next morning, I realized that my parents must have been thinking the same thing that I had. Among their many other gifts, they had sent me some gorgeous midnight blue dress robes (they had asked another local Muggle to hand make them), as well as a book of beauty spells. I knew my mother wouldn’t be able to resist getting me all dressed up. They had sent me a Muggle camera as well, with a note telling me to take lots of pictures. Well that settled it. I had to go. For them.
I fought myself all day as I got ready, constantly talking myself in and out of going to the ball. I stared in the large mirror that had appeared when I went back to the Room of Requirement as my appearance slowly improved with each spell. The only thing that kept me going was thinking of how Pansy would freak out when she saw that I showed up.
Night fell around the castle, and I sat in the Room as late as possible. I could feel knots forming in my stomach as I walked down the staircases. Most people were already downstairs, and I was glad that I didn’t run into anyone. As a descended, I noticed Hermione Granger walking a flight below me. She looked beautiful. It made me want to slink back up the stairs and just stay in my room. I mean, she had always been quite pretty in my opinion, but this… I waited for her to have time to get to the bottom of the main stairs into the entrance hall. I looked so horrible compared to her… this just wasn’t going to work.
I reluctantly forced myself out of the shadows and down the staircase, and to my relief saw that the huge groups of students were still occupied staring Hermione and her date. I watched Viktor Krum take her arm as he led her into the Great Hall with the rest of the champions. I felt a pang in my chest as I remembered our small dinner conversation. Like I could really catch anyone’s attention.
I looked around at the other pairs, watching as students greeted their dates, smiling and laughing. I almost wished that I could be one of them. Carefree; no Pansy or Draco on my back. Speak of the devils. I watched them walk in, arm in arm, with Pansy laughing loudly and obnoxiously as Draco stared off into space. I walked right behind them and watched as Pansy slowly noticed my presence. She looked me up and down out if the corner of her eye, glaring. Her face went red as she gripped Draco’s arm tighter. He didn’t even notice.
The night was long and lonely; all I could do was watch couples dance. And dance. And dance some more. Pansy glared and giggled, making sure that I noticed her date. “Oh Drakie! Tell that joke about the Mudblood again!” I gripped the thin glass in my hand so hard it shattered, cutting my hand and sending punch all over the table.
“Need some help?” Viktor Krum stood by my side, two bottles of Butterbeer in his hand.
“I’m fine, thanks for asking though. I bet Hermione’s waiting for you. She looks stunning, by the way. You do too, “ I said, smiling as I tried to stop the blood streaming from my hand.
“Thank you. Very much. I’m sorry ve have not talked,” he said as he grabbed my hand. He started cleaning it with the already ruined tablecloth.
“You’ve been busy with the tournament and stuff. It’s fine, really,” I said as he ripped the white cloth and started wrapping it around my hand. He stared at me hard for a minute, trying to read my face.
“I think I can take care of her for a minute. I just saw your date, Viktor. She doesn’t look happy. You better go find her,” I jumped at the familiar voice that came from behind me, almost landing on Draco’s foot. Viktor gave me a look of apology, but I knew that he wanted to go find her.
“Go. I’ll be fine.” At least I hoped I would. Viktor nodded his thanks at Draco and wandered across the dance floor to find his girl. Draco sat in his vacated seat and gave a disapproving glance at the mess of a table before grabbing my hand. He unwrapped what Viktor had done to take a look at it.
“You really are a clumsy little thing aren’t you?” he muttered. He ripped even more of the white cloth and started rewrapping my hand. Teachers gave critical glances every few minutes, and he would just put my hand in the air to show them the blood slowly seeping through the makeshift bandages.
“I could just go to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey could have me fixed up in no time,” I said as I tried to keep the pleading tone out of my voice.
“And have you miss all the fun? I don’t think so,” he chuckled.
“Don’t you have a date to get back to?” he glanced up to my face as I spoke, no doubt trying to see if I was jealous.
“She’ll be fine. I told her I was leaving ten minutes ago. It’s all a bit of a bore. She was angry about something anyway. I got tired of listening to her whine,” he said quietly. He tied the cloth on my hand and examined his work, turning it so that he could see from every angle. It was driving me nuts. He looked past the hand to see the glare I was giving him, and he laughed as he released my hand from his grip.
I loved how hilarious he found everything that I did. It was almost as awful as the touching. I gathered my things and muttered thanks for mending my hand. As I stormed out of the room, I heard him mutter, “You look lovely by the way,” and having another small laugh as he said it.
I needed my room. Now. I walked up the stairs as fast as I could without falling. I heard familiar footsteps behind me and walked faster. It would be ten times harder to lose him when the corridors were empty. I guess he realized that too. As I reached the seventh floor I heard the footsteps uncomfortably close. I pulled my wand out of my robes and sent a random hex back behind me as I rounded a corner. I heard an inhuman yelp and started getting worried. I took the risk of looking back to see Draco staring down with huge eyes at the form of Mrs. Norris, who was slowly turning a ghastly shade of yellow.
“I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS! YOU TROUBLE MAKER! I’LL FIND YOU!” I heard Filch yell as he pounded up the staircase, no doubt drawn by the small sound his beloved cat had made. I sprinted toward the Room of Requirement and watched as Draco ran down a different path. I need my room!! Don’t let Filch in! PLEASE! Don’t let him find me! Keep me safe! I ran back and forth three times and thought hard before the door finally appeared. I heard Filch screaming something outside, angry that he had been evaded yet again and somehow knowing that it had to be the same person who had done it before.
I looked up expecting to see my room, but it was dark and looked much different than usual. It was much smaller, and seemed to have a screen down the middle. I desperately wanted to investigate, but I was too tired to really care. I took spare clothes out of a trunk in the corner and changed, yawning and panting from my run so loud that it echoed across the room. I crawled into bed and was lulled to sleep by the peaceful sounds of the creaking castle settling down for the night.
Last edited by loun4157; 12-17-2010 at 09:20 PM.