Thanks for the comment Ruby 
This will be my last post till after Christmas so I hope you all enjoy.
“I guess if we have to work together, maybe we should get to know one another,” said Anton, his eyes moving up and down her body.
“Right”, replied Ellouise as she pushed past him and left the kitchen.
“What? What did I do?” called out Anton as he watched her walk away.
Ellouise walked down the hallway and into the green drawing room. Xavier was sitting by the fire with Carlisle. They were laughing about something as she approached them.
“Mind if I join you?” she asked.
“Not at all”, replied Carlisle as he stood to give her his seat.
“Oh I’m fine on the floor”, she said as she sat down leaning against Xavier’s armchair her legs bent at the knees. Anton soon joined them and took the spot opposite Ellouise on the floor. He didn’t mention their brief exchange in the kitchen, but stared into the fire instead.
“So what do you guys do for fun around here?” she asked glancing up at Xavier first before turning to look at the others.
“Not much”, laughed Anton as he puffed out his chest, “usually we just practice our magic, we dual and stuff you know”, he said. Carlisle laughed, “no,
we dual... you just try to”, he said gesturing to Xavier. Anton smirked, “Oh yeah, come on then. I’ll take you on”, he said standing up.
“Don’t be silly”, said Carlisle, who was clearly trying hard not to laugh.
“I bet Ellie fights better than you”, sniggered Xavier. Carlisle and Xavier exchanged looks, they knew it was probably true. “I doubt that”, he said looking down at Ellouise, “No offence”, he said.
“Oh none taken”, replied Ellouise as she stood up and drew her wand. “Where shall we do this?” she asked grinning mischievously. Xavier and Carlisle let out a howl of laughter. “I’ve got to see this”, said Carlisle grinning at Ellouise. Anton looked taken aback slightly, it seemed he hadn’t expected her to challenge him.
“You’re not serious are you?” he asked, “I mean, it’s just... well I don’t fight girls,” he added.
“Yeah because he knows he’s going to lose”, said Carlisle.
“Don’t worry Anton, I’ll go easy on you”, said Ellouise.
“Alright then, bring it on.”
And with that the four of them headed for the staircase that lead upstairs, Harry followed behind them hoping to be entertained. They walked up to the attic which was almost empty, in one corner of the room was an old banged up suit of rusty armour, a target was painted on its chest. To the other side of the attic was a pile of cardboard boxes, a thick coat of dust lay on its surfaces. Xavier, Carlisle and Harry stood to one side of the attic, right up against the wall and watched eagerly. Ellouise walked to one end of the attic while Anton stayed at the other end rolling up his sleeves. They bowed in each others direction then held their wands poised for attack. Xavier let a shower of red sparks escape his wand and the dual began. Harry cheered excitedly as Ellouise sent a hex at Anton sending him flying into the wall and disarming him in the process. He was quick to his feat and sent back a reductor curse that was blocked too easily by Ellouise. Instantly she cast a tongue-tying jinx and giggled to herself as Anton failed to pronounce the incantation to his next spell correctly resulting in his wand backfiring and singeing his eyebrows. Ellouise disarmed him, Anton’s wand flew into the air, ricocheting off the ceiling and landed behind Ellouise who pointed her want threateningly at Anton.
“Cohibeo”, said Ellouise coolly as she flicked her want in Antons direction. Anton’s back hit the wall and he slid up and onto the ceiling of the attic, there he was motionless, completely paralyzed. Only Anton’s eyes were moving, rolling around in his head, both his arms and his legs were outstretched like a gangly spider on its web. Ellouise held her wand in his direction and glanced around to Xavier, Carlisle and Harry as they cheered triumphantly.
The attic door creaked open and in came Sirius and James. They took one look at Ellouise and Anton before they burst out laughing.
“Should I let him down now?” asked Ellouise as she looked around at her audience.
“No, leave him there a bit longer”, said Carlisle as he came to her side.
Ellouise drew circles in the air with her wand making Anton spin in circles on the ceiling. Xavier, Carlisle, Harry, Sirius and James burst out laughing again, fresh tears sprang to their eyes as they struggled to breathe.
“How long did he last?” asked Sirius.
“I’d say about five minutes”, replied Carlisle.
“Nah, thats too generous, I’d say about three”, said Xavier walking to stand next to Ellopuise a huge grin on his face.
Ellouise waved her wand and Anton slid back down the wall gently until his feet touched the ground, then the spell was broken. He panted and leant his head back against the wall.
“You’re not as innocent as you look”, he said.
Merry Christmas Everyone!