Isabelle had no hope of escaping all those Death Eaters; there were too many. But Isabelle was not one to give up, she fought all the way. But eventually they overpowered her.
Two of them grabbed her arms while another one took her wand. Isabelle saw no point in screaming, so she stayed silent and went quietly. The eventually got her off the train and brought her over to two guards.
"State your name, age, and House," one of them told her his hand poised over a clipboard.
"Jessica Munroe," she said. She had to think for a split second so sh didn't say her real name. But none of them seemed to notice.
Age sixteen, Ravenclaw." She didn't think they's be very appreciative of her if she was in Gryffindor.
"No one important," the guard with the clipboard said.
"We're still looking for Isabelle Malfoy; we have strict orders not to harm her."
Isabelle was brought into some type of trailer with other kids in it. When the doors closed she was fuming. She had been smart and changed her identity, but it probably would have been better to be herself.
"Isabelle! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Isabelle looked around for the source of the voice and saw Nikolai standing in one of the corners.
"Nikolai!" She ran over to him and tackled him in a hug.
"I'm alright, are you okay? Where's Charlotte?" She realized that she hadn't seen the girl in the trailer thingy.
"I'm fine," Nikolai assured her.
"They got me, and they almost got her. But she's so small she slipped out of their grip and ran off down the train. I don't know where she is now." "I hope she's okay," Isabelle murmured. Then the trailer jerked forward and started rolling forward.