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Old 12-11-2010, 04:27 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Samantha 'Sammy' Joan Star
Seventh Year
Feeling so fly like a D-Criss| Jess's NOM | GERONIMO | Part Hobbit | Victimised by Moffat

okay here are my bios

SPOILER!!: Lily Potter

Full Name:
Lily Luna Potter
Goes By: Lily, Lil
Age: 11
DOB: 21st of May
Year: First
House: should she be sorted yet? if so Gryffindor
Blood Status: Pure

A Little More:
twirly 11 and 1/2 inch Cherry wood and Knarl quill wand
Amortenia: freshly cooked rice, mint and candy canes
Likes: Sugar in general, annoying her brothers, small fluffy animals
Dislikes: Homework, being annoyed by her brothers, SCARY STUFF

Ginny Potter (nee Weasley), witch
Father: Harry FREAKIN' James Potter, wizard
Siblings?: James Sirius Potter, wizard, 16 - Albus Severus Potter, wizard, 14
Pets?: Hayden the Pygmy Puff died

Everything Else:
Lily is a hyperactive 11 year old. But one thing she absolutely hates, is being looked down upon, I mean SHE'S NOT THAT SHORT! She had a tendency to trip over a lot, so she gets a few scabby/bruised knees from time to time, but she's used to it now. She's one of the two youngest of the whole Weasley/Potter family, the other is Hugo.

She always tries to help out, but most of the time she feels like she's just getting in the way, but she;ll try until she is generally forced to stop. She gets really annoyed when people doubt her, and she can't wait to learn how to hex her brothers. She has already become like a sort of mini Hermione, she doesn't want to fail a single one of her classes ... EVER, but she's not as Hermione as Hermione ... yeah that made sense.

SPOILER!!: Roxanne Weasley

Full Name:
Roxanne Weasley
Goes By: Roxy
Age: 17
DOB: 8th January
Year: Seventh (or is she graduated?)
House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pure

Little Bit More:
11 3/4 inches, Blackthorn and Dragon Heart String core
Boggart: Failing
Amortenia: New book and lemon tea
Patronus: Gibbon
Likes: reading, her personal bubble, rolling her eyes, proving people wrong.
Dislikes: INVAISION OF THE PERSONAL BUBBLE, being proved wrong, her glasses.

Angelina Weasley (nee Johnson), witch
Father: George Wealsey, wizard
Siblings?: Fred Weasley II, wizard
Pets?: Nope

You could say Roxanne was stuck up, she prefers saying that she's smarter than you. Which is probably true, she's extremely bright. She has a kind side, but it's hardly ever shown to her family, especially her brother UGH. Her smaller cousins, like Lily and Hugo she's nice to, but other cousins better look out. She has glasses as well, SHE ABSOLUTELY HATES THEM, but the contacts hurt so she's sticking with the glasses unfortunately.

let me know if you want me to change anything
everytime i think i had enough, i start heading for the door-------------------------------------------
there's a very strange vibration, that pierces me right to the core---------------------------

----------------------------------samantha joan star - seventh year - hufflepuff
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