Thread: Harry Potter: Silver Dawn - Sa13+
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Old 12-10-2010, 06:47 PM   #54 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Default Not quite as long as the last.. But, I needed to get this out of my head!
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Chapter Thirteen

I wish with all my heart I wouldn't have to tell anybody about October or November, I can't just say, they came quickly and passed just as fast, and now it is December. For that, would be a lie, to you, and myself.


It was cold, dark, and damp, but Calypso Granger-Malfoy remained outside. She was walking towards the Forbidden Forest, to escape from everything that was going on in the castle, it was Halloween, and Calypso didn't think she could face that. Imagine if she accidentally bumped in to Michael, when everyone was masked, and she acted all friendly. But she couldn't really act strange and aloof, someone would suspect her. And for her, avoiding everybody seemed to be the next best plan.

As she entered the forest she thought she heard a noise, but decided to ignore it, continuing on in to the woods the full moon was barely seen through out all the tree branches. Calypso delved deeper and deeper in, not sure what in the world she was doing. Something flashed a grey-brown not far ahead of her, curious, she followed it, but it seemed to be heading more towards Hogsmeade now. Calypso didn't feel the least bit frightened when she heard the growl again, it couldn't be anything to dangerous, besides, she was holding her wand.

A sudden chill blew over her, they were getting closer and closer to the Shrieking Shack, then a canine like hiss, followed by a soft purring growl came from behind Calypso, sudden dread washed over her and she slowly turned around, gulping. By the look of the snout it was not a normal wolf she was facing, it was something far worse, far more dangerous, it was deadly even. Then it pounced and Calypso shrieked, frozen by fear, her wand had already fallen from her hand in shock. She was going to die..


Simon was seriously debating Valentine's sanity, why in the world were they going trick or treating in the middle of the night, in Hogsmeade. It was freezing cold, and they had just been told off by a sour looking, grumpy old man with piercing blue eyes at Hogshead. They had just knocked on the door to the Shrieking Shack, apparently someone had moved in five years ago, but it still had an certain eeriness to it. Right as the door was opened, a shriek was heard in the air.” What the- Was that one of you?” The young women asked, she seemed to be around twenty two or so.

“ No.” Simon responded, warily.” I think we should go check it out, sounds like someone is in trouble.” With out any further persuasion, Simon, Valentine, Gabrielle and the new women quickly made their way over towards the source of the sound. The seen that they were graced with was, horrifying, a wolfish creature had just bitten a young girl in the arm. And almost immediately Simon recognized her.” CALLIE!”

“ Stupefy!” The women quickly cast the spell at the werewolf, sending it flying away.” Reducto!” Another quick spell followed the first, blasting the werewolf farther away, quickly it slunk off in to the woods, the stunning curse having hardly any effect on it.” Calypso!” She muttered, running over to the girls limp body.” We need to get her back to Hogwarts immediately, come.” She picked up Calypso and they began their way back to Hogwarts, Gabrielle and Valentine were still hyperventilating, the latter was crying and shrieking and the former had a blank look on her face.

“ How.. How do you know her?” Simon croaked as they were nearing the greats, just recognizing that the women had spoken Calypso's name.

“ I.. I briefly met her a few years back, Scarlatina Black by the way.” The women said quickly, as they began up the stairs to the infirmary. When they arrived there the new mediwitch quickly ushered them over while asking them what in the world had happened.” Werewolf attack, but please keep it quiet.” Scarlatina would have liked to not tell the person the truth, but the staff needed to know what happened to one of their pupils.

“ My god!” The women squeaked and quickly moved Calypso on to a bed and began casting a series of spells. She continued like this for several minutes before stopping.” I'm sorry, there isn't anything more I can do for your friend, I honestly wish I could, but there is no cure for the lycan disease.” Valentine looked at Madam Karen and burst in to a fresh set of tears, ever since she was eleven she had somehow always believed Karen could cure everything.

Simon quickly ushered Valentine and Gabrielle back to the Gryffindor Common room which was completely empty, and the girls were both in hysterics by then. He didn't have it in his heart to tell them calm down, in all truth, he felt like joining them, but knew that it would not help Calypso in the slightest. Just then the rest of the students began to pour in, a few of them looked at the three curiously, but most were too exhausted to even really care, two in particular did though. And they rushed over.

“ What the bloody Merlin happened?” Michael demanded, all he knew was that three had left the party early to go trick or treating in Hogsmeade, what could have happened there to make them so upset? The two girls just cried harder not knowing what to say. Zoe was looking at them all in shock, not knowing what to say.

“ Calypso is in the hospital wing.” Simon choked out, knowing that Calypso would be mad at him for releasing anymore information with out her permission.

“ Why? What happened? I thought she was to tired to go anywhere and she went straight to bed! What happened to her?” Panic flitted across Michael's face, and Zoe collapsed on to the couch in shock.

“ I can't tell you, it's her decision if she wants to let you know or not.” Was all Simon could say, he then stood up and walked off to the boys dormitories, feeling like he needed some time alone.

“ Michael, just leave it.” Zoe hissed at him, she had gracefully pulled herself up from the couch. She had always pretended to be the tough one, and never liked anyone see her break down.” I'm.. I'm gonna go find Jacob.” She then mumbled, leaving the common room as if she was in a daze, it seemed alien to her, Calypso getting hurt. Calypso seemed never got hurt, and that she did, it had been so serious that she was in the hospital wing. Zoe knew she had to see someone, talk to someone, someone who she wouldn't be embarrassed to break down in front of, and right now the only person she could think about was Jacob..

Floating, in the distance.

Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 12-10-2010 at 11:23 PM.
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