Well I suppose people are reading..
Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.
Ellouise turned over the photograph of her and Xavier and read the words to make sure she hadn’t misinterpreted the message. The black ink scrawled across the back said:
A day in the Sun. 19th August “95. Studying it carefully Ellouise considered the facts. It was currently Sunday the 19th of August and it was now eleven o’clock. Surely “95 would suggest 9:50... although there was no indication as to whether it was supposed to be am or pm. She was able to determine the location of the rendezvous from the photograph, she turned it back over and watched herself and Xavier running around the Oak tree in the picture. It was a lot taller now and had a lot more foliage than in the photo. She stood up, stretching her arms as far as they could go. After shaking of the grass and dirt from her jeans she wandered around the tree. This used to be her favourite place growing up. She looked out over the landscape. Flat grassy terrain surrounded her with snow-capped mountains and ridges in the background, Snowdonia National Park was a beautiful place.
“Kind of takes your breath away doesn’t it?”
Ellouise turned to see a tall, well built boy standing behind her. He wore faded grey jeans, a black t-shirt and a thick black coat unbuttoned. His features where undoubtedly handsome, grey-blue eyes looked down at her, his lips slack but his expression was curious. Ellouise wanted to smile, to run to him and be held in his arms. But she was still wary of him. She had to make sure he wasn’t an imposter.
“What present did you get me for my sixth birthday that I loved?” she asked him sceptically. He smiled at her briefly before answering, “I got you two presents for your sixth birthday, the first was sent by owl as we weren’t sure we would be able to make it to your party. It was a book entitled “Witches Tales for Little Ladies”, you didn’t like that one very much. The other gift I got you on your sixth birthday was a packet of Bertie Botts Every-Flavour Beans which we spent hours eating in your neighbours tree-house when the party was over. I distinctly remember you getting a pepper flavoured one. You cried for at least an hour.” He laughed.
“Well I was only six” Ellouise stammered defensively.
“My turn”, Xavier said serious once more.
“The last time I saw you what was I wearing?” he asked, one eyebrow raised in anticipation.
“You wore your favourite red plaid button-up shirt, black jeans, sneakers and our friendship bracelet that I made you. It was made of green cotton with a silver star pendant. You had told me once that even though we wouldn’t see each other much we could always stare up into the night sky and see the same thing... therefore in some way we would still be connected.” she replied coolly.
Xavier and Ellouise stood there for a moment, just staring at each other. Xavier put his hand into his pocket and fished out a wispy string of green cotton, the silver pendant sparkled as it swayed in the light breeze. He finally made the move and approached Ellouise wrapping his arms around her. “It’s been too long Ellie” he said softly. She couldn’t agree more.