Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Twelve
>>>>> “ Calypso! What is wrong with you? I thought you liked Michael.” That and many other cries of shock greeted me when I entered the common room, and they were very loud. Oh great, embarrass me some more. I was so mad at Jasmine right now. I avoided making eye contact with anyone and headed up to the girls dormitories and cried myself to sleep. Was being in love always this hard? And how in the world did I even know I was in love? Everything was just so strange and surreal.
I stared at the food in front of me with red eyes from crying, I didn't bother masking them, there was no point in it. I saw people pointing at me and muttering, probably thinking I was a crappy friend. And trust me, I felt like one. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of my friends said they wanted nothing to do with me, especially Jacob, after what I did to Michael, his best friend, I felt as if I would never be able to look anyone in the eye ever again. Professor Potter was passing by and handing everyone their time-tables. I had forgotten he was D.A.D.A teacher here now, and my godfather.
“ Hey Cal, what's wrong?” He asked softly as he handed my time-table, I knew he wasn't one to push it unless he believed the matter was really bad, so letting him know about J.C's death threats wasn't the greatest idea, I have no idea why I thought that. But the cogs in my brain were already starting to make up an alibi as to why I was crying, finally, one which I believed to be pure ingenious hit me, if I had been in a happier state I would have laughed, given someone a high-five, or even cracked a smile.
“ I left the bracelet that my mum gave me at home, and I couldn't sleep with out it's familiar weight against my wrist.” Uncle Harry, as I occasionally called him, not at school, understood that I meant my actual mum, not Hermione. And for the record, both were amazing, but there's just something in my heart that can't be replaced. Harry then promised me he'd owl Hermione as soon as possible, I knew he wouldn't mention anything 'bout Draco because he and daddy weren't on the best of terms, something about a sour relationship at school.
Then Simon sat next to me, I sincerely hoped he wouldn't interrogate me.” Hey Prof Potter, Callie.” He always seemed to be Harry's favourite student, addressing him as Prof and getting away with it.” Thanks for the time-table, do you think the headmistress would let me burn it again?” Simon said cheekily, I knew he was trying to make me smile, and he wasn't really succeeding, but that was all my fault. Harry laughed and moved along, casting one last look of confusion at me, and I kinda felt hurt. I hated it when people pitied me, and he knew that.
“ Calypso Bernadette Granger-Malfoy, what in the name of Merlin's saggiest.. Is wrong with you?” Jacob asked flopping down next to me. And I looked down at my eggs again.” Michael, no scratch that, none of us have any idea why you did what you did. Michael is blaming himself, Zoe is blaming herself and everyone else is just confused. We want explanations and we want them now! You don't go around just ditching your friends like that.” I forced myself to look at him now, I had never seen Jacob like this before. It was, weird, he was so angry, at me.
“ Jacob! Shut the hell up, in case you hadn't noticed Calypso doesn't feel so grand about this!” Simon snapped, and I glanced at him, I hadn't seen either of them so angry, it was like, it was all my fault our group was falling apart. I opened my mouth, then closed it, I kinda didn't want to get in to an argument between Simon and Jacob, it sounded like it would be a total bloodbath. But I didn't want them to keep fighting.” And stop pressuring her about it, when she wants to talk about it, she will.”
“ Guys, calm down will you, Jacob's right, I do owe you all an explanation.” I sighed, and both of them stopped, jaws hanging open and they stared at me.” I.. I have no idea how the heck I'm going to phrase this. I just want you all to know, it's not Michael's fault, or anyone else, it's just that.. That, Michael's and mines friendship won't work.” I churned out, painfully. I had no idea what I was going to say at first.
“ IT WON'T WORK? That's like saying that.. I don't know! It's like saying Merlin isn't the greatest wizard of all bloody freaking time!” Jacob exploded, just as I thought he would, now the whole great hall was staring at us, except Michael. Oh great, he hates me now. But isn't that I wanted? I noticed that Jasmine was grinning triumphantly next to her minions at the Slytherin table, which made me even more angry at her.
“ But he's not the greatest wizard of all time Jacob.” I said in retaliation, this was a long fought over subject between us, in private. I heard a large gasp from the student body, clearly they thought I was a heretic.” It has been proven time and time again, the greatest wizard of all time is Beedle!” I knew this was just a pointless ruse to stray off topic, but this was Jacob we are talking about, he'd fall for this immediately.
“ No, no, no! Beedle was just a foolish old man writing random crap for kids!” Jacob shot back, slamming his fists on the table.” Merlin is the best, no one should ever question that, besides, it was called the first order of Merlin, not the first order of Beedle, that sounds stupid!” Simon was snickering now, I knew he was going to add something sarcastic to the conversation at any second now.
“ Why, I was under the impression that you thought you were the best wizard, Jacob.” I called it, even in my depression I couldn't stop myself from cracking a tiny smile, but the smile only lasted for a millisecond. Jacob was now glaring at Simon, again. And I decided there was really nothing more I could say with out spilling out everything between Jasmine and I. I swear, there is no one in this world that I can hate more then her, excluding Lucius. But she was getting close to his level of hate, they were both ripping away the people I loved.
Doing my best to sneak away unnoticed, I checked my time-table. I had Ancient Runes first, thank goodness. I didn't have that class with anyone I really knew, it was just surnames in that class just about. Surprisingly, I wasn't the first there. A guy with shoulder length pitch black hair that fell in front of his soft blue-grey eyes, nearly obscuring them from my line of sight. He was a Ravenclaw, I could tell by the stripes on his cardigan. Glancing up he gave me a quick smile then returned to his Ancient Runes book.
I decided that sitting next to him couldn't hurt, and I took out my book as well and began reading it. Ancient Runes was by far my favourite class mind you, which surprised mom and dad, mom's being Transfiguration, dad's was potions. But I had a huge problem with the teacher, Mr Vo. He was so narrow minded at times, it made me want to hurl. It wasn't long before the rest of the students started to slowly spill in like water trickling out of a barely tilted bucket. Ha; the poeticalness of my mind often annoys me.
“ Hi, I'm Aaron Thayne.” I noticed the boy was holding his hand out in my direction, he had shut his book now that people had begun to enter, officially. I took it, not feeling like I could return his previous smile, or even the one that was barely there even now.
“ Calypso Granger-Malfoy.” I answered curtly, and then realizing I had been rude I quickly made to amend that.” Sorry, I have been having a pretty bad day so far. Didn't intend to lash my anger at the world out on you.” I was hardly ever one for brief sentences while speaking to people that I didn't know very well.
“ It's fine.” He mumbled, a little taken aback from the coldness in my tones. And even after I tried to fix my tone, it was still there, hardly, but since he was paying close enough attention, he heard it.” What's your favourite subject?” Aaron then tried, looking down at his hands bashfully, I noticed then that he had long, gorgeous eyelashes. Wow, that being said in my mind made me question my sanity, especially after all that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. It was all, to much for me.
“ Ancient Runes, yours?” I was pleased with the fact I sounded a little nicer now. And he looked less nervous of me, which was a charming fact. Aaron wasn't able to respond though, Mr Vo had just entered the room, clearing his throat as loudly as he could, and the class started, we learned tons of amazing and fun facts, but some of his lectures were unneeded and dead bores. Fortunately, right when he was starting on the first, the bell rang, unfortunately, I realized were having double Ancient Runes that day, so he didn't have to stop.
Finally after class ended for real, we began to pack up and head out the door for our next classes, Gryffindors to Transfiguration, Ravenclaws to Charms. Right as I was about to leave I felt someone tap on my shoulder, startled, I whirled around to face the person.” Sorry for surprising you, but I never answered your question, my favourite subject.” He added to my slightly puzzled look.” It's Charms, cause that seems to be what your made of.” I went deep red, that had to be the cheesiest line I'd ever heard in my life, and I couldn't help but laugh a little.
“ Thanks Aaron.” I said, pecking his cheek before turning and walking off, my face glowing with both embarrassment and happiness, this mornings and last evenings happenings slipping from my mind. I couldn't help but imaging the retching from Simon if he heard that and Jacob's boasting that he knew better pick-up lines then that. Those two were so hysterical, but they never seemed to really get along as well as the rest of us.
“ Who was that?” Jacob seethed, glowering at Aaron's back as he joined me after his break finished. I didn't respond, not sure what to say.” Please, please, please, don't tell me he's the replacement for Michael. Cause he looked like some stupid Ravenclaw-” I cut him off with a quick glare.
“ Shut up Jacob! I didn't ask your opinion for who I'm friends with, now if you don't mind, I have to get to class and not listen to your whining.” I snapped harshly, even as those words left my lips I wished I could take them back, as I made my way to Transfiguration, with Slytherins I was joined by the devil, J.C.” What do you want now?” I spat at her, the last traces of my happiness disappearing instantly.
“ I just wanted to congratulate you on breaking your friendship with Michael, it was so sweet, I couldn't have done any better mudblood.” She smirked triumphantly at me.” And while your at it, destroy all ties with Jacob Zyre, he's my back up plan. But then again, seeing how you treat him anyway..” J.C trailed off, implying that she had just heard what was just said between Jacob and I, causing my blood to seethe.” That shouldn't be hard.” She finished cheerily, then skipped past me in to class with Elsa behind her, I noticed that she told Elsa to bug off as she joined Michael.
Seeing her with Michael made my heart break even more, I couldn't help but notice that he was sitting with J.C now, not me. I resigned myself to sit next to some random person who I believed to be named Tara Kindle. She was a rosy cheeked Gryffindor that was all sugar and smiles, easy to get along with, and pretty decent at spells, she seemed rather Hufflepuff to me though. The rest of the day was a bore and nothing fantastic happened really.
The next thing I knew, a whole month whirled and blurred by, I wasn't speaking to Michael or Jacob now. Zoe and I were having a really rocky friendship. Gabrielle and Valentine didn't know what to think and Simon still remained my firm friend, because that's what he was. It was now somewhere in October, and J.C was still really high on my hate list. Today was a Saturday, so no lessons. I was laying down on the cold grass with the dead leaves scattered among it, by the great lake, and munching a apple as I did homework.
Aaron had joined me as well, and his actual favourite class was Ancient Runes, so we were obviously doing that homework first. Nothing interesting happened until Simon joined us.” Hey you two, guess what I heard.” We looked up at him sceptically, the last 'guess what I heard' happened to be four birds were perched on the window sill above us. Simon sighed then continued.” J.C is on suspension, might even be expelled.” My jaw dropped open in shock, if she was gone then, Michael, but my heart stopped racing almost immediately.
My sudden change of mood would certainly be a shocker.” That sounds, tragic.” I managed out finally, and Simon nodded solemnly in response, everyone knew how close Michael and J.C were.” Why was she put on suspension in the first place Simon?” The question had been eating my mind for the past, thirty seconds, so what if that wasn't really long, I was dying for an answer to that particular piece of information.
“ Eh, something about practising dark magic in the halls.” Simon shrugged, but I knew he took this more seriously then he let on. I nodded then returned to my homework, my ahead was buzzing more then a hive of bees it felt like..