Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 12-09-2010, 12:42 AM   #96 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Thirty Four

“You feeling any better” she asked watching him place the twins in the cot, picking one up from the bed beside her and going back for the other,
“Hmm” he smiled tucking them in and then sitting on the edge of the bed, she lifted up the cover to crawl over to him, “Much - You’ll get cold” he smiled touching her cheek,
“I’m fine; you’ll keep me warm when you come to bed”
“I think I’m coming now” he grinned leaning to kiss her,
“Mmm” she pulled him in closer, wrapping her arms round his neck, “I’m not tired if your not” she grinned,
“A week after our kids were born that’s got to be a record for new parents”
“Let’s just not wake them or my parents”
“Or Charlie and Sophia”
“Harry I honestly don’t think there sleeping either” his nose and forehead wrinkled up and she giggled before he spoke again
“She wouldn’t let them sleep in the same room, you heard her, she looked like she was going to tell us off which is even more ridiculous”
“Stop complaining and kiss me, you don’t need to think about them, just think about this” she grinned sitting on his legs and pushing him down to pin him on the bed holding his arms so he couldn’t move them, he lifted him self up at the torso and she met him in the kiss grinning,
“I’m not complaining anymore”
Until “Wahh – wahh – wahh!” started to come from the crib and then it was the sound of both of them crying impatiently, trying for there parents attention,
Ginny’s eyes closed and she got up, Harry joining her, they took a baby each and sat on the bed,
“I know what you’re thinking” he smirked,
“Shut up you”
“Tell me I’m wrong” he smiled,
She rolled her eyes “Your right, but-”
“But nothing, it’s ok, just think they’ll be day’s when we can have them spend quality time with Grandma and Grandpa and you can have quality time with me”
“Sounds good” she yawned “I think this ones still hungry, why she woke up first – Harry did you put the wrong baby grow on Faith”
“I don’t think so why?”
“She’s got a P on this but an F on the vest underneath”
Harry checked the baby in his arms “This ones Patience, all P’s – I didn’t change Faith”
“Neither did I – I didn’t do either of them Mum – it was Mum” she sighed, “Oh well, she’s warm now I won’t change it”
“I’ll do it in the morning; you want me to do her a bottle?”
“Save them for the morning, I’ll do it the easy way for now”
“Ok” he rocked Patience until she fell asleep and replaced her in the cot as Ginny fed and burped the other,
She handed him Faith and he watched her curl up under the covers, he replaced the baby beside her sister and slide in the bed beside Ginny, “My turn tonight”
“Ah you said you would stay up with them the whole time we we’re here Harry, I told you they wouldn’t be settled”
“Alright then” he grinned and kissed her “Goodnight honey”
“Night Harry” she snuggled up against his chest yawning and closing her eyes.

“How was their first night away from home?”
“Only woke up once” Harry smiled feeding Faith from a bottle on his lap, Sophia had Patience feeding her happily,
“Ginny still asleep”
“Best to leave her too it or she wakes up grumpy”
“Same as Charlie, it’s the Weasley genes”
“Explains why there all still asleep then, but why are you up so early?”
“I’m just used to getting up early for school, my body is not over it yet unfortunately” she shrugged “You’ve got these two to wake you up though”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Well what is it about?”
“You and Charlie”
“Ok, but nothing weird, you’re my brother and I don’t want to be traumatised in that way”
“I wanted to ask why you picked him over George”
“Oh… well I don’t really know… George is funny and everything-”
“-You say that a lot”
“He is – but Charlie’s, well he’s laid back, he’s happy, he’s really good to me whereas George is just so intense about everything, he can be laid back and joke but you can look into his eyes and know he’s still like a twelve year old with a crush he won’t give up on”
“George is like a brother to me, I’ve told him so”
“Why didn’t you just stab him in the face?”
She stared “You what!”
“You don’t ever tell a guy that, no guy ever wants’ to hear that unless he’s your actual brother – I’m good with it because you are basically my sister, I don’t see you as anything else not dismissing the fact I’ve got a wife, but George – he’s just – he’s a guy he won’t have taken it well”
“Ok then…”
“Soph I’m serious, you’ve told him he’s like a brother to you and that’s why he hasn’t given up he wants to prove he’s not”
“Alright, alright - There is one other thing though”
“Go on” he shifted Faith in his arm as she took the last of the milk,
“Charlie told me he loves me and that he’s giving up chasing Dragons to stay with me and well… I haven’t told him yet but I think I love him too”
Harry beamed happily, “Tell him before you go won’t you or he’ll just worry”
“I plan on saying it when he boards the plane, then I can run away in embarrassment and wait for him to come back”
“Nice plan” he smirked,
“I thought so” she smiled, “You think he’ll take it well?”
“He said it first, he means it, I can see the way he looks at you the same as you look at him, and Ginny looks at me – Weasley’s are temperamental and it’s easy to see there feelings on there face, every emotion, that’s partly why we can see George is still trying even when you told him no”
“He’ll get over it” He heard the smallest burp in his ear “And if not Charlie will be willing to fight George for you”
“Don’t” she smiled adjusting Patience, “Hmm she doesn’t want anymore” she put the unfinished bottle on the table,
“She might want it later but she’s the smaller one, and she usually doesn’t drink as much as Faith”
“Ok, had me worried there was something wrong then”
“I think this ones just greedy” he smiled looking at Faith on his shoulder “Ginny’s more worried about there first fever or chicken pox or measles – she’d been reading a lot of baby books during her hospital stay and made herself scared”
“But she’s happy right?”
“Yeah, yeah, she loves them to bits”
“So what are you worried about with them?”
“That – that I won’t be – look I know it’s not completely rational but I’m worried that I’m not going to be a good dad”
“Harry” she sighed,
“I need a lot of reassurance about this, it annoys me and I can tell it gets to Ginny, I fell apart yesterday”
“She’s worried about you not annoyed with you, you’re going to be a great dad, you already are – ninety nine percent of being a good dad is being there for them”
“I don’t have much to look at for being a dad – my dad – dead, your dad – dead” he looked down at the baby in his arms as she spoke,
“Mr Weasley”
“Yes – the one dad who’s stuck around, who has seven kids he would do anything for”
“Our parent’s death wasn’t there fault though”
“I know that I just meant you’ve got someone you don’t even realise to look up to, he’s a great guy, he loves Ginny, and he loves you like his own son”
“But I’m not his son am I, all I have is substitutes and not the real thing, so do you and your not mad”
“I haven’t ever known anything different to Michael and he wasn’t exactly the best example of a decent substitute dad, with his own kids he’s great – with me, well he was never my father and I was never his daughter and we were good at looking like we were and nothing else”
“That’s – that’s horrible”
She shrugged “I wouldn’t worry about me Harry, I’ve got a family now, you’ve given me that – you’ve created your own family but you haven’t forgotten where you’ve come from, that’s what’s amazing about you – you don’t even realise it but you’ve given us all a family and yourself one at the same time” She grinned and put Patience in the pram,
“Why am I always corrected and reassured by the girls in my life?”
“Girls are always right Harry; you should know that by now” She laughed as he put Faith beside her sister, “You want me to watch them so you can get a shower before everyone else gets up?”
“Really?” he stretched his arms behind his back,
“Would I offer otherwise – you smell like nappies go and get a shower, we’ll be fine?”
“Thanks Soph” he stood up “They shouldn’t be a problem”
“Just go silly”
He wandered up the stairs meeting Charlie on his way down, before heading into the shower.
“Left holding the babies?” he grinned, sitting down next to her and kissing her cheek,
“Volunteered so he could get washed and dressed and Ginny could stay asleep for a bit, also so I could have a chat to him about some things”
“Hmm… anything I should know?”
“Apparently I shouldn’t have told George he’s like my brother and I should have just stabbed him in the face instead… guys don’t like to hear it”
“No we don’t, he’s right” he shrugged, “I’ll talk to him before I go ok”
“You’ve only got a week”
“Soph I’ll talk to him, don’t worry about it please”
“I’m not worrying” she crossed her arms,
“Yes you are” his hand reached to lift her chin up to look at him,
“I’m not”
“Yeah – you are” he leant in and kissed her and she giggled,
“So what if I am”
His hand rested on her thigh and he kissed her neck, “Let me help you forget”
“Charlie…” she whispered one hand moving to his shoulder, her fingers in his hair as he moved to her cheek and lips,
“I missed you last night”
“It’s not my fault you’re no good at sneaking into my room” she said with a grin and a kiss, “You could have tried a little harder not to get caught”
“My mum casts a really strong no apparition spell around guest’s rooms” he replied moving to kiss her again, “She was prowling the hallways just to get me” and again until there was a coughing and they jumped apart looking away from each other like guilty teenagers,
“Good morning Charlie”
“Morning mum”
“Morning Mrs Weasley”
“And the twins” she leant in to caress each of there cheeks in the pram, “Why are you down here with them?”
“Harry gave them there morning change and feed, I offered to watch them so he could get a shower and leave Ginny to catch some more sleep”
Charlie mumbled “Mum”
“What would you like for breakfast?” she plastered on a smile,
“Anything you have to offer mum” He muttered,
“He really didn’t want to leave them, but he smelt like – well nappies and baby sick and I told him so” Sophia said with a small smile as Charlie chuckled, “I bet you anything that’s him coming down the stairs now”
Harry appeared rubbing his hair with a towel and smiling “Do I smell better now Soph? – oh Morning Molly” he checked in on the twins and sat down,
“Morning Harry, is Ginny awake yet?”
“She’s in the shower now”
“Arthurs gone to work already, what are you planning to do to day?”
“Change some nappies, stop some crying, feed my babies, and kiss my wife” he smiled “The usual”
She smiled “Nothing to do at the ministry?”
“Not for a few weeks, I’ve got to do the night exercise again at some point but it can wait for a while, they said I can re enter the program when I’m ready – I’ve got up to six months off before I have to go back”
“Are you going to take the whole time off?”
“Ginny suggested to give it three months, just so there a little older and are used to both of us being there”
“What kind of jobs do they have at the ministry?” Sophia asked “I mean I’m new to all this but I wouldn’t mind looking at other job prospects to the muggle world”
“I guess they just run everything – what I’m joining is like the police – wizarding law enforcement, but it’s the capture of Dark wizards, there’s whole different departments from hiding magic from the muggle world, to cooperation with other magical creatures, Goblins, giants that sort of thing”
“We should get her into the magical sports department - Quidditch” Charlie grinned “See what she’s made of”
“You’ve told me about the whole flying on broomstick thing and I don’t think I’ll be any good”
“You have to try, you know the school sport the triplets mentioned – that was quidditch, I used to play seeker, Ginny’s was a chaser, Fred and George beaters, Ron was a keeper, Charlie was the best seeker the school ever had”
“I think you stole the title from me mate” Charlie grinned “This one swallowed the snitch his first match to win the game”
“I didn’t mean to” Harry grinned “– I think the only person in your family that never played was Percy?”
“Even Bill had a go, Percy was in his books too much to consider playing; you should give it a go Soph, you might be surprised”
“Hmm” she said looking between them,
“Tell you what I’ll take you out this afternoon for a fly – then you can see if you like the idea” Charlie said with a grin,
“Alright – keep it coming with the careers though, what else is there to do for a job?”
“Well you could train as a healer and work for Mungo’s, it all depends on your subject choices, what your good at school usually determines what job you can get”
“Hermione say’s my best subject is potions seconded by history of magic – I’ve got a head for dates, I did history at A level and potions is like cooking class” she laughed “She reckons my draught of the living dead is better then the one she made in seventh year exams or something - I can’t remember what she said”
“Whoa” Harry grinned “She’d never admit being beaten at potions you must be brilliant”
“I don’t know” she shrugged “What can I do with potions?”
“You could just do muggle uni you know – you are allowed to have a muggle job” Harry suggested “You don’t have to have a magical job”
“I’ll feel more like a witch if I can use my magic – didn’t get the chance to use it at school remember, I wanted to skip the seven years of work”
“How long will it take with tutoring?” Charlie asked
“She said at this rate it will take about another year or so”
“You’ve got a while to decide babe” He replied taking her hand as Molly placed plates on the table and Ginny came down the stairs,
“Morning guys” she yawned and looked in on the twins, “Did they take the bottles?”
“Yeah, Patience’s still got a quarter of hers left”
“A quarter – do you think she’ll ever finish a bottle?”
“She’s fine Gin, don’t worry” Harry took a piece of toast watching her moving to sit closer to the pram, “You fed Faith last night and she drank a whole one this morning, if anything Patience is taking what she should – what’s normal and Faith’s drinking more, they’re both fine though”
“Do you think it’s cause she’s smaller?” Ginny asked looking to her mum,
“Some babies just drink more then others, some take less, give it a few months and they’ll be the same size”
“There a week old there drinking what they can” Harry smiled and she frowned before smiling at him properly, “It’s ok to be worried I’m not annoyed with you silly” he added watching her face, her eyes giving away what she thought, “There your babies honey, it’s normal not annoying”
“It’s just-”
“Gin stop worrying about what I think and do what you think is right – If you want to go back to the hospital to check they’re ok we’ll go”
“No – no, I’d feel stupid”
“You’d look like a new mum” He smiled, and she sat on his lap letting him wrap her in a hug,
“They’re ok, I’m just over reacting to nothing” she mumbled in his ear,
“Alright then”
RIP JD Salinger
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