Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 12-09-2010, 12:40 AM   #95 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Chapter Thirty Three

Arthur and Harry arrived back ten minutes later, a half filled school trunk between them,
“She took them for a walk”
“They woke up?” he asked,
“No - she wanted to get away from me”
Half an hour later she returned, her eyes were red the twins were still asleep. “I’m going to take a nap while their still down, when there due their feed wake me up” she said landing a peck on Harry’s cheek and wandered up the stairs.
“What happened?” Arthur questioned,
“We talked, she does hate me, and she won’t let me near her, I’m going to start lunch before Charlie gets here”
Harry and Arthur looked at each other and kept quiet but Molly asked a question,
“How come she is able to use magic?”
“Special permission from the ministry, since she’s been using it and not attending school they said they might as well allow it under the circumstances – there’s only a month and a half until her birthday”
“Is she planning to go back to school?”
“Professor McGonagall has arranged it via correspondence and Hermione’s going to tutor her so she doesn’t have to leave the girls and I can stay at the ministry”
“All worked out then” Arthur said with a smile “But if you ever need a babysitter”
“We know where to come first”
There was a knock at the door,
“Come in”
Charlie peaked his head round, “Mum, Dad, – and the twins… – ouch – Harry’s twins” he said turning his head back to speak to the person responsible for kicking him and then back to the room “Hello Harry, that mean’s Gin’s here somewhere too – great”
“Are you going to come in?” Arthur said with a smile,
“Erm… I want to introduce you to someone so yeah – that would be a good idea”
Harry started to laugh shaking his head, “You’re as anxious as I was Soph, they won’t bite”
“Soph…?” Arthur and Molly said together as Charlie opened the door wider and stepped inside bringing Sophia with him holding her hand,
“Mum, Dad this is Sophia Black”
“We’ve already met – how are you?” Arthur asked standing up and going to shake her hand
“Good thank you, a little nervous but good” she smiled,
Molly stood staring still,
“Mum, are you going to say something?”
“You’ve got a girlfriend”
Charlie rolled his eyes, “Yes mum”
“She’s – she’s not a dragon tamer is she?”
“No mum” he sat at the table and Sophia followed suit refusing to let go of his hand,
“She’s real…”
“What do you mean she’s real!?”
“She’s attractive” she continued making Sophia blush profusely,
“I think she’s beautiful but whatever you want to say mum”
“She’s pretty, she’s real and she’s not a dragon tamer – but she’s a Black”
“Sirius’s daughter mum, we told you all about her, how Harry met her but she just hasn’t been here yet”
“Is she what you’ve been fighting with your brother for?”
“Thanks for that Harry” Charlie muttered,
“Ginny not me” Harry grinned holding up his hands in defence,
“George doesn’t like the fact I’m with Soph and he’s not, I just asked her before he did. George is over reacting because she didn’t notice him whereas she did notice me”
“But over a girl – you don’t even like girls, look how many years it’s been since you had a girlfriend”
“Sophia is not just any girl” Charlie started beginning to get annoyed “George is being an idiot, and you are being rude to my girlfriend”
“How long have you been seeing her?”
“About three months, we’ve been together for three months?” Sophia replied looked to Charlie to nod in confirmation, it had been a little while she thought as she realised and smiled to herself, they had been a brilliant three months.
“And George spent the last two sulking, he should have gotten over it by now” Charlie added,
“Hold on so for a month before that no one knew?!”
“No, we thought it best to keep it quiet for a while, with everything that was going on around us and then it just never came up in conversation until I told Harry”
“And then we told George straight away trying not to hurt his feelings” Charlie added “But he just got annoyed anyway, he’ll speak to her, he’ll still flirt with her” he added bitterly “But he won’t talk to me”
“Charlie I told you, he can try all he wants I’m not going anywhere” she said looking up at his angry face, “I know the reason your teaching me jinx’s before you leave, but honestly he tries anything and I’ll just punch him”
Charlie, Arthur and Harry started to laugh, Sophia joining in lightly but Molly frowned glancing at the pram.
“They’ll wake up soon, they’re due a feed don’t worry, other then that they sleep through anything once there off for a little while” he said looking at his watch and then them,
“They slept through a storm the other night and we were so worried we ended up staying up to watch them just in case there was something wrong, they woke up once and that was when they were supposed to, they’re like Ginny, once they’re asleep they’re dead to the world”
“Don’t you get worried and check there breathing or check they can hear that there not deaf”
“All checked and perfect, there just heavy sleepers which is a relief” he smiled watching them wake, “Right on time, hello Faith”, he lifted her up first, she yawned blinking at him.
“What are there middle names?” Molly asked looking longingly at them but staying away,
“Faith Hermione and Patience Sophia” he smiled,
“Really” Sophia looked up,
“Really” he smiled “Could you take this one and I’ll change your stinky namesake before I get Ginny for their feed” He handed Sophia Faith and took Patience to the living room, “Molly would you give me a hand” he said turning back “Don’t quite have the hang of nappies yet” he smiled,
She knew by the look in his eyes he had changed his fair share but followed him in with a smile,
“Thankyou Harry”
“It’s ok; nappies haven’t changed too much in seventeen years have they?” He grinned handing her Patience,
“Not at all” he left her too it and wandered up the stairs,
“Gin” he shook her gently, she didn’t stir, “Gin”
“Hmm” she replied, he leant down and kissed her, she was so surprised she woke up but held his cheek there in the kiss,
“Promise me you’ll wake me up like that more often” she smiled sitting up and rubbing her eyes,
“Are they awake?”
“Yeah, did you have a nice nap?”
“Hmm – I guess, I liked the waking up bit better, give me another kiss before we go, we won’t get another chance otherwise”
He kissed her again, lying her down on the bed but pulling her close to him until he lifted her to sit up again still in the kiss,
“Got to make the most of the time we have hey” he smiled,
“A very quick quickie, I like it” she smiled shuffling to get up “Better make time for one later when they are asleep”
“We will – Charlies here, he brought Sophia” he added as they walked out of the room,
“How did things go?”
“Fine until George came up”
“I’d say Charlie’s got competition if I didn’t think Sophia was stuck on him so much”
“Good to know, I’m going to box George’s ears when I see him next”
“Make sure the twins aren’t in the same room hey, I don’t want them learning your bad behaviour” he joked as they came to the bottom of the stairs.

“Ginny – you woke up just in time for lunch” Arthur smiled,
“Got to feed them first – where is Patience?”
“Nappy change with Grandma” Harry said watching her eyes dart round the room,
“Right” she muttered,
“I’m not angry” she said calmly or trying to be calm enough that Harry could see through it,
“Yes you are” he held her from behind so she couldn’t move,
“Get off” she muttered,
“Not until you calm down”
“I’m calm” she growled and Harry started to laugh, along with Charlie, Arthur and Sophia, she let him turn her in his arms and sighed into his embrace, relaxing in his hold.
“That’s better right?” he asked and she nodded against his chest,
“Now if I let go will you promise not to attack anyone in a fit of rage because there changing your babies smelly nappy so you don’t have to”
“Promise Gin” he replied unyieldingly holding her to him,
“I promise” she muttered and he released her,
“Love you” Harry grinned,
“Hate you” she muttered, and then reached for Faith, “Time for lunch” she smiled watching Charlie’s face become that of mortification, “I won’t do it in here, don’t worry brother” and wandered into the living room. She saw Molly holding the baby in the chair and walked in “Time for their feed, you can give her to Harry and do lunch for them”
“Alright sweetheart” Molly kissed the little girl’s forehead and handed her over before leaving.
“Harry don’t start, I don’t need it right now” she said placing Faith on the couch as she unbuttoned her top, fiddled with her bra, and replaced Faith in her arms feeding her as Harry kept silent looking at Patience, her fingers trying to grip the Teddy bear he was holding for her “Sorry for snapping at you, this isn’t your fault” Gin started quietly,
“It’s fine, I just don’t like seeing you like this; being angry and upset with someone you love doesn’t make you happy, it makes you angry and upset with everyone else”
“Including you, when you’re just trying to help - I’ll try with her, I’m trying but I don’t know if I can forgive her”
“Trying is enough for now” Harry said with a smile looking up at her, “Give her a chance”
“Easy for you to say Harry”
“I’m just the teenage boy that got you into this hey” he grinned
“I wouldn’t change a thing about what happened, we have them now”
“Not even all the complications to get to here?”
“They wouldn’t be so perfect otherwise, they’d mean just as much and I’d love them but without the struggle – things would be different and I like them as they are”
“Ok then…”
“You know what I mean” she smiled “Time to switch I think”
“You mean you want to see them throw up on me again”
“If you remember to put the towel there this time she won’t do it all over you if she does it at all” Ginny said sticking her tongue out, as he placed Patience on the couch and took Faith to burp her so Ginny could take the other,
“You know I feel like a cow right now” she smirked “Do I look like one?” she asked Harry watching him walk about rubbing Faith’s back her head poking over the towel on his shoulder,
“You’ve never looked less like one as you do right now” he smiled leaning down to kiss her forehead,
“It’s that stupid pump thing that does it” she muttered,
He rolled his eyes but didn’t reply, waiting to hear the satisfied burp of a baby in his ear. When he did he yawned, “I’ll set up the crib upstairs, then we can pack away the carry cots and pram”
“In here, I don’t want to be too far away, we can take it up when we go to bed”
“Ok – but I did bring the monitors so you can hear them”
“In here’s fine” he carried out Faith as Ginny burped Patience, “Is it ok if we take over your living room for now?”
“Go ahead” Molly smiled, “Which one’s this?”
“Ahh, the one you haven’t met yet, you’d better take this too” he added when she took the baby from his arms and placed the towel on her shoulder, “Faith’s the one like her mother when it comes to being sick”
“Everywhere?” she asked,
“Ruined a nice new shirt” he smiled,
“Very much like her, Ginny wasn’t so heavy a sleeper then though, she was the worst for keeping us up at night” Molly said,
“Maybe it just seems so because she was the last of seven Molly” Arthur smiled, “I for one don’t miss the sleepless nights, crying, nappies or sick”
“There were good times too – the first steps, first words – yours was ‘dwagon’ Charlie, you couldn’t do R’s” Molly smiled, “Ginny’s was ‘No’ – she used say it to everything”
“Do you want some chocolate Ginny – no- she’d reply and then want it anyway” Arthur grinned as Ginny walked in,
“Sounds familiar” Harry smiled,
“Quiet you” she smiled to him rubbing Patience’s back,
“What was your first word?” Sophia asked him,
“I don’t know” he shrugged “I mean - me - I don’t know anything about me as a baby” He took Faith from Molly and wandered back into the living room to sit on the couch. He was still looking at her when Ginny followed him inside holding Patience and closed the door,
“I’m ok”
“Clearly you are not” She sat beside him,
“I am” he tapped Faith’s tiny nose with a finger and a smile “Aren’t I my little one?”
She gurgled and grizzled as if in agreement and he nodded, “That’s it, because you know Hermione was right too”
“Harry” Ginny sighed and adjusted Patience in her arms “Don’t do this to your self”
“But she was Gin, I’m going to be what my parents would have been if they had lived, I’m going to have the memories they had before they died, I’m going to try and recreate what I lost”
She gave up trying to settle the grouchy baby squirming in her arms and placed her on the changing mat entertained by the colourful mobile hanging over her head “So what if you do, your parents loved you, they tried as hard as they could to protect you, hell they gave their lives as testament to that”
“I don’t know, I should know, they’re moments that make you who you are – your parents can tell you yours, I have no one to tell me mine, the Dursley’s paid no attention to me and I got used to not needing it”
“So you don’t know what your first words were, you will know theirs, so you don’t know how old you were when you started walking, you will be there when these two do, I’m going to make sure you don’t miss a thing”
He leant over and kissed her softly, “I love you Ginny”
“I love you too sweetheart” She watched him looking down and smiling at the baby in his arms and the one on the mat,
“Do you want to be alone with them for a bit?” she touched his cheek lightly with her fingertips and felt the tears running down them.
“You don’t like being away from them”
“You’ll be giving me a break and a chance to eat honey, I’ll leave you too them, just call me when you want me and I’ll put them down for there nap and you can get something to eat”
“Ok” he nodded.
She kissed each babies forehead “Take care of daddy for me” and kissed him before leaving and closing the door.
“Is he alright?” Sophia asked,
“He’ll be ok, he’s just – sometimes he misses them more then he realises” She sighed sitting in a chair “He’ll be in there for a while”
“They’re moment’s he can get back with the twins” Arthur said reaching to stroke her hair “He’ll be fine”
“I know, I know, I just-”
“-You don’t like feeling useless to him, it’s ok Ginny” Molly said with a smile “You might feel it but your not, your waiting for him, your doing all you can to help”
“Hmm” she put her head in her hands, Molly placed a plate of food in front of her, a roast dinner – “Did you save Harry some, your potatoes are his favourite”
“Of course I did darling” she smiled “I’ll heat it up when he comes out” she leant down to kiss the top of her head but Ginny got up and hugged her instead.
“Oh Ginny” she held her too her refusing to let go, “I love you so much sweetheart”
“Love you to mum” she clung to her,
“Does that mean brothers and me can come home now” Charlie smiled,
Ginny nodded and made to let go, but Molly held on tighter, “Not yet”
“You’re going to squeeze me to death”
“Stop complaining” she smiled kissing her head, her cheeks and her face,
“Mum” she sighed holding completely still in the hope she would let go,
“I’m done now, eat your lunch”
“Ugh – thankyou” she took a breath and sat down,
“You look happier already Gin” Charlie grinned,
“Yeah, yeah”
“That’s a very Harry thing to say” Soph smiled,
“I know, his bad influence” she grinned and looked to the door,
“He’s just the same you know” Sophia continued,
“What do you mean?”
“He misses you when you’re only in the next room too”
RIP JD Salinger
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