Post 39 for
Jesse_Longbottom, my new reader
Ron, Hermione and of course, Harry came to "collect" me from the hospital wing. Ron kept on saying that is was only right for him to come and get me. He insisted on carrying my bag for me, even though I am more than capable. When I got back to the dorm there was a three letters for me. I picked up the first and I could see from the neat calligraphy that it was mums writing. I opened it to reveal a manuscript asking
"Are you ok?" and
"I've warned you about playing quidditch" and
"How is Ron?" and
"Have you got you dress for the Halloween ball yet?" then at the end
"Tell Harry he's more that welcome to come home for Christmas. I've already told Ron, but you know what he's like. Keep safe my Dear. Love Mum xxx"
Then the second, I could easily recognise as Charlie. His messy writing was scribbled all over the page. You had to look hard to read the different words. It read
"Gin, Are you aright? Mum said you landed yourself in the hospital wing...again. Stay out of trouble or Ron and Harry will have me to answer to! I told them to look out for you.
Love you lots like jelly tots, Charlie x" I smiled to myself. That is so Charlie. I was looking forward to seeing everyone at Christmas.
I didn't recognise the third. It was very neat curly, loopy writing. I hesitated before opening it. The seal on the envelope was a light blue and said something in French- Fleur, was the first person that came into my head. And I was correct. I squinted at the signature at the end, just to make sure I was right.
"Dear Ginny, Your mum said you hurt yourself at Quidditch. I hope you are feeling well soon.
I never got the chance to say thank you for being my bridesmaid properly but ,Ginny you helped make the day very special and I hope you had just as much fun as I did.
See you soon,
Fleur"There was a small box too that I opened. A little piece of parchment attached to the box read : Hope you like it! Bill and Fleur. Inside the box was a beautiful
pearl bracelet and there was a second smaller box with a tiny "G"
charm inside.
"Well that was nice of her." said Ron who had been looking over my shoulder.
"I didn't get anything for being a...a...a grooms brother.""Yeah," I agreed.
"It was." I attached the charm to the bracelet and slid it onto my wrist. It was really beautiful and Fleur did well picking it out. So I grabbed three pieces of Parchment and started my response to the three letters.
Harry came out of the small kitchen and leaded against the door frame with a glass of water in hand, staring past me in a daydream.
"You've been invited home for Christmas. Not that you wouldn't be invited anyway." I told him.
"Tell your mum thank you and I can't wait." He said plopping down beside me and putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Too polite. But I will." "Ginny, I need to go and set up the Great Hall tonight after dinner. If you want you could come along because Ron isn't that much of a hand." Hermione asked, her nose deep in a book. I glanced quickly at Harry. We've barely had anytime together, but Harry whispered,
"I'll still see you later. I'll come too in fact. We'll make an excuse to leave." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Sounds like plan Hermione.""That's good, we'll just start after dinner I suppose. And we'll need to get going soon."I put down my quill on the table and turned to Harry with a pleading look.
"What?" he asked squeezing my hand?
"Can I borrow Hedwig....Please?"
"Sure, come on. She'll be in the Owlery just now. I'll take you." As I pulled my coat on Ron came running out his room.
"Look at this! Uniforms for the rest of the year!" Said Ron holding up a familiar grey jumper with the red and gold line around the v-neck.
"Well looks like its back to work for you lot tomorrow." I laughed.
"Come on Harry. We'll meet you guys in the Hall."
It was cold outside and the dark winter nights were becoming more noticeable. It wasn't even six o'clock yet and the sun had disappeared behind the mountains.
As we walked up the steps, Harry took my good hand for support. He hadn't stopped smiling all day since he had found out that he would be staying in school the rest of the year. Though, I couldn't help but notice the look of wonder deep in his eyes. That scared me. I kept his hand in mine and squeezed it tight. I didn't say anything to him, but I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. He lifted me off the ground and spun me around. Oh how I love bear hugs. Once on my feet, he cupped my cheek and smiled at me lovingly. I could have stayed there forever, gazing up into his sweet smiling eyes.
The great hall had cleared of the last of the hundreds of students, Hermione stood up, clapped her hands and said,
"Right then, lets get to work!" She hauled along a great black bag full of decorations and pulled out her wand then began leviating long silky orange ribbon and placing them in an orderly fashion around the hall. She shortened the tables to half there normal size and placed a dancefloor in front of Dumbledore's podium. The enchanted ceiling was transformed into the scene of a blustery night sky. The stars were not visible and the moon was creeping out from behind the stormy black clouds. The place settings too had been changed. The normal silverware had taken on a more nasty appearance. They were a rustic copper colour with the faded Hogwarts emblem on the handle. The usual cups became matching goblets to the cutlery with the same rusty look and Hogwarts Emblem.
"Why not just use the house badge?" I asked
"Sorry, what's that?" Hermione replied concentrating hard on plates she was making transform.
"On the cutlery and goblets." I asked.
"And now plates. Hermione." I paused
"Where do you learn this from?"
""Well to answer your first question, I have purposely not used the house badges because I think that they can sometimes lead to separation and I think that by using the Hogwarts badge that it shows unity and equality. I shows that we are one, working together for our best possible education here at Hogwarts. I understand that a bit of healthy competition is good but, sometimes it becomes to much. It doesn't matter how well we do in a potions paper or what type of blood runs through out veins, its the fact that we are all witches and wizards together, and as head girl, I will do my best to promote that. I'm hoping that more in-school events like this will bring our houses together." By the end of her speech she was in deep,
deep thought and she hadn't answered my second question. I casually replied.
"Well, good luck with that. What else do you need a hand with?"
"Well there is the Halloween cake, you could go and pick that up from the kitchens, but see Dobby about it. He's the one that will know what you mean. And tell him Hermione says, thank you."
"Ok...why can't I just call him?"
"Because you know how I feel about the welfare of House Elves, Ginny."
"Yeah, don't get her started Ginny!" Ron shouted over. Hermione threw him an icy glare and he abruptly shut up and turned back around to Harry who was smirking.
"Now chop, chop Ginny, we have much to do."
"Yes Sir!" I saluted her, turned on my heel and marched out the hall.
***** "Hello Dobby." I said waving as I came into the kitchen.
"Miss Ginny." He beamed dropping the ladle he had in hand and half-running over to meet me.
"Hermione has sent me to pick up the Halloween cake or something."
"Oh yes, I have it right here." He lifted up his small dirty hands and made summoning motions. A cake flew in from the next room in the huge kitchen and boxed itself. It then landed in my hands.
"Hermione sends her thanks." I told him.
"Oh she is more than welcome. The pleasure is mine." He said in his wheezy voice.
***** "Here is your cake, Hermione." I said placing the huge thing as gently as I could onto the table.
"Oh thanks, now could you do me another favour, in that box over there is party favours,
mostly for the girls, but could you place them out on the table."
"What have you put in them?" I asked as I shook the box and it rattled.
"Fred and George sent me a massive supply of sweets. They turn your fingers green but, you go back to normal after a few hours."
"Nice..." I said dropping the box a tad dramatically.
The ball was a huge success. I danced all night long! Which of course resulted in sore feet. The party was a hit with everyone. Hundreds of pictures were taken and for days after, were being exchanged between friends. I had my own collection. Luna in my opinion, was the prettiest girl in the hall. Professor McGonagall stepped in at the end and said a few word about Ron and mostly Hermiones great efforts in the preparations.
"This will go down in history!" She proclaimed from the podium. She awarded them fifteen house points each. Hermione was very proud. But before I knew it. We were back on the train to the Burrow and I couldn't wait to see mum and dad. Oh, and I made the quidditch team too!
This is perhaps the most, not rushed but speedy chapter. I'm sorry that it is long and boring but it had to be done because it is almost Christmas and we were stuck at Halloween so I hope its not too bad...
I also apologise for the spelling in this on, I didn't wait for Katie to Beta it....sorry
