Chapter 18 The end of the year came much too quickly for some students, but not fast enough for others. The end of the year brought maturity, family, and respect for others among the students. The end-of-the-year ceremony was held out on the moor, staged in an area invisible to the muggle eye.
To Hermione's left, there was Ashley. A few rows back, Draco sat near Scott, who looked rather put out, as by the end of the year, he had no girlfriend, no job openings, and no position.
The Headmistress of Hidehollow school of Magic made her speech brief, but full of thought.
" I leave you, I can only imagine the great things this modest school has taught you, and I leave you with a thought. Some of you will become great wizards and witches. Some shall leave as simple, modest workers, trying to earn your way in the world. But...only you can truely aspire to do great things. No one else can do them for you. Congradulations class of 2007. Today, you make history."
There were loud cheers from the students. Folders containing diplomas appeared in their hands. Hats were thrown in the air, and the students departed. Hermione and Draco met up in the town square a half hour later. Ashley and Sam joined them.
"So...the end of the year...where and when is the wedding?" Ashley asked. Hermione had told her only a week before.
"Most likely over the summer. Draco wants to get married as soon as possible." Hermione said.
"Only because I don't want any other boys looking at her without seeing a huge ring on her finger." Draco defended himself.
"A huge one?" Sam asked.
"As big as she wants." Draco assured him of the size, and slid his hand into Hermione's. "You know, you two should hook up."
"Can't. No offense Sam, but my boyfriend wouldn't be too pleased with that." Ashley apologized, then gave Sam a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for the offer."
"Don't thank me, thank Draco!" Sam laughed. "It's ok. I don't want to get married. Too much paper work."
"So, you're gonna send us owls when the wedding is set, right?" Ashely asked Hermione.
"Of course. Actually, we'll be seeing each other alot. You're going to be my bridesmaid!" Hermione said proudly, and the girls immediately began planning on the color of the dress, etc. Sam rolled his eyes.
"And too much money. Draco, are you sure you want to go though with this?" Draco looked at Hermione thoughtfully.
"You know Sam...some things in life are just worth it." Hermione turned and smiled at him. "And that's it."
Ahhh...a beautiful last chapter....thanks to all who read and struggled through this story with me!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |