Draco Malfoy turned the corner and sniffed the air.
"Yea, it's definitely a mudblood. I can smell it from here."
"What do you want Malfoy?" Hermione asked, tired. She was sick of dealing with Malfoy. "And why are you here?"
"My parents-parent-wanted me to finish my education in this dump." Malfoy spat on the floor. "Not that it's any of your business." He flopped down on the grass, near Hermione.
Hermione skitted further away from Malfoy, and tried to ignore him. Malfoy shot glances at Hermione. She looked...different. But he didn't know why.
"Hey, mudblood."
"What's your problem?" Hermione jumped up, infuriated.
"What do you mean, WHAT'S MY PROBLEM? What's yours? Coming down here, insulting me, and wondering what my problem is!"
Without even looking up Draco replied simply, “Yup.”
Hermione did want to fight back today and with a defeated sigh she plopped back down, this time a little closer to him. “Well if you must know, Harry couldn’t go for a walk with me so—“
“Wait a minute!,” Draco interrupted, “Are you saying that you’re going out with Potter?!”
“Yeah, why?”
“Nothing, I just thought you would end up with the Weasel.” He laughed.
“Anyways.” Hermione continued, “ he had to go-err- somewhere. So I’m alone this morning.” She said hurriedly not thinking she could trust Draco with the knowledge of any plans against the Dark Lord.
"Oh so he doesn't have time for you." Draco replied smoothly.
"No that's not it! He's just very busy." Hermione said irritated again. "What about you? I'm sure someone of your stature would have plenty of engagements." she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
He shrugged, "Of course everyone wants to be around me, but that's just it, sometimes you have to just get away from it all, you know?"
"Oddly enough Malfoy what you're saying does make sense." Hermione said remembering the worst of times that the trio had to face.
Draco shot Hermione another glance, still confused with trying to figure out what was different about her.
Hermione caught him looking, "What?"
"Nothing you just- there's something different about you."
"What change? Good or bad?"
"Well it's definitely an improvement. You know Granger you look pretty good considering your a mudblood." Draco said looking out at the lake laughing at his own little dumb joke.
Hermione took this as a chance to take a look at Malfoy. He had grown a lot over the summer. She noticed that he wasn't smickering, it was a true laugh. His face seemed so innocent, almost angelic.
This is when reality hit Hermione, she had been having a conversation with Draco Malfoy that entire morning!
"Umm I have to go get ready for class." Hermione said and stood up. Malfoy watched her leave, a funny look on his face.
Did I just have a normal conversation with the mudblood? Malfoy thought to himself, then shook his head. He started walking towards the castle, when he bumped into one of the Weaslys. He grimiced.
"Now I'm gonna have to wash...again. What's your problem?"
"What were you two talking about?" Ginny demanded.
"Why you're so wierd and unnecessary." Malfoy pushed past her, and continued walking.
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |