As promised, the next post is here...
“Awww….” I moaned. “Weasel, you have a good arm.” Catching myself complimenting him for hitting me in the chest with a huge snowball, I added, “But I could probably wing it at you harder.”
Weasley’s freckles seemed to stand out at my compliment. I could tell he thought it odd that I would do such a thing. He hurled another snowball at me, but missing me this time. Potter stepped up and let his own snowball fly towards me. Ducking again, I ordered Crabbe and Goyle to get some snow.
Potter and Weasley were laughing together now, stooping down for more snow. Crabbe and Goyle pelted them with snow, but they still kept going. Granger wasn’t much in the fight anymore, but she did throw the occasional snow patch at both sides.
Then, suddenly, a small but fast snowball came hurtling en route for my eye. I tried to dodge it, but it was too late. The ice-imbedded snowball hit me, and with a howl, I fell to the ground, clutching my stinging eye. I could hear darn Weasley and Potty-head chortling.
“Draco!” I heard Granger shout worriedly. She rushed over, bending over my face. Immediately, the chortling stopped from Potter and Weasley’s direction. They gaped in surprise.
Quieting her voice some, the mudblood asked, “Are you alright?” She carefully lifted my hand that was over my injured eye and held it in her own mitten hand.
To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure. But I think I was okay. I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. Slowly, I relaxed and nodded.
I’d been experiencing weird feelings lately. For some very odd reason, I found myself drawn to Malfoy. The funny thing was, I had no clue why. I’d made a list of what I would look for in a potential husband (don’t tell anyone that) and Draco sure didn’t make the cut. Not that I was thinking of marrying him or anything.
But still. There was something about him…something behind that façade and that sneer…that made me want to know more. My mind flitted back to that one night where he’d drawn me close to him, almost as if he was going to kiss me. If he did it again, would I pull away?
Snow was falling quickly, landing on my jacket, hair, and nose as I jogged to the owlry. I desperately needed to send something to Mrs. Weasley. Pattering up the stone steps, I allowed myself to catch my breath before entering. I stopped short, however, when I saw a familiar-looking back. It was none other than Draco Malfoy.
Deciding not to make myself seen, I retracted my head from view. My ears strained to hear what he was instructing to the brown owl.
“Ok, I know Luna is in Hogwarts, but I don’t want her to know it was me. She probably already knows, though. Anyway, just fly in with the other owls during breakfast and give her the textbook I stole from her. Got it?” His voice was soft; so soft, I could barely hear him. He stroked the owl’s feathers in a way that I didn’t think was possible for him.
Now was the time. I cleared my throat and stepped into the owlry.
*NOTE* I have a new one-shot fic. Heh heh...again...*points to link on siggy* If you want to check it out.